Wind -> West Naval Yard War! - July 22nd, 2016 (7/25/2016 9:42:21)
[image][/image] July 22 2016 West Naval Yard War! [image][/image] After a long period of relative peace, war has returned to the West Naval Yard! For those who've forgotten the minutia of this particular region's conflict, here's a brief refresher. Prepare for War! [image][/image] The West Naval Yard is the latest flashpoint in the ongoing alignment War. Battle for dominance and new prizes now as the war has already gone live! [image][/image] The Legion forces have control of the full-restored Pirate Flagship sitting ominously in the Naval Yard. [image][/image] Obviously, this could be very bad for Exiles, so they'll use Naval Shells and Super Naval Shells to bombard the ship from turrets located around the Naval Yard. [image][/image] Legion forces on the shore can take out the turrets with Naval Bombs and Super Naval Bombs [image][/image] Pick up Super Naval Shell and Super Naval Bombs at the Ammo Depot located right of Big Tuna! Good luck, and war on! Tags: Nightwraith