War 3.0 (A fusion of War 1.0 and War 2.0) (Full Version)

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nowras -> War 3.0 (A fusion of War 1.0 and War 2.0) (7/26/2016 16:40:51)

War 1.0 wasn't really bad. Sure it was not that good but also, War 2.0 alone isn't that good. I suggest fusing both of these wars together.

Here's how it works:

The winner of a certain regional war claims the region as the lore says. So, only the winner in a certain region will be able to compete together (the same way during War 1.0) and make their faction appear on the LB (not the LB of the regional war, the LB of an X flag in the region).

Example: Exile claimed the Central Station. Only Exile players will be able to control flags in the Central Station. Each 1v1 battle gives 5 influence and each 2v2 and 2v1 give 10 influence. The old war commander would also return but with a different name for the same cost. If you don't remember it or haven't seen it before because you're a new player, here's how it works:

- It gives you 2x influence.

- It costs 750 credits.

- It has 20 charges.

More information and rules about the War 3.0 that wasn't available in War 1.0 or 2.0:

- You can battle in a different region and use Flag turrets to increase your Influence at that flag but, you can still get a war drop if a regional war is active and fire it on that war turret in the other location where the war is happening and get war influence.

- Influence earned from battles isn't counted as War influence even if you're battling in the same region. It only counts as flag influence and counts towards your achievement progress and faction progress.

- Once a war is active, the flag LB of that certain region will instantly reset and no faction would be able to compete in it until the War finishes.

- There will be only 1 flag per a region to increase competition between factions.

- Battling anywhere at that region would increase your achievement and faction progress and also, the influence on that flag even if you're not in the same room as the flag.

- The flag LB would be different from the War LB.

- Regional War turrets are different from Flag turrets.

Is this unfair for Legion? Actually, no because by the time the developers finish developing BB and come back to ED and start working on this War, Legion will have controlled 50% of the Delta V regions.

What's the whole point of this war and what are the rewards?

- Would increase competition between factions.

- Would let you still get influence outside War time.

- Top 3 factions in a Flag LB will be able to access a shop. This shop contains a 30x charges War Commander for only 3,500 credits and an improved version of the old war commander that costs 750 credits. This improved version costs 2,500 credits and has 100 charges!

DeltaNoob123456789 -> RE: War 3.0 (A fusion of War 1.0 and War 2.0) (9/24/2016 19:35:20)

100% Supported since War 2.0 alone makes the whole game boring

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