aq DarkKnight -> RE: =AQ= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/26/2017 6:39:49)
ACC: I gotten the Midnight Savage Werewolf Form, Midnight Predatory Vampire Form, and the Little Pegasid before they're gone permanently and become forever missed. ACC: Opened about a thousand GGBs during the War of the Fangs: Revival, got 161 Rares, 27 Ultra Rares, so I'm extremely stocked up for a long time to come. ACC: I gotten Lumenomancer Bloodmage, Lepre-Chan, and Paladin's Oath, making defeating all the denizens of Darkovia and the most difficult Challenge Bosses (esp. Ryn, Sylith, Wicked King, to name a few) a walk in the park and my Gold well spent. ACC: I've taken advantage of the Holiday Sales Event and finally been able to afford White Knight Z (Level 143), Ebony Sepulchure Form (Level 143), and my most favorited Experimental Robocockatrice (Level 143) all at once. I spend the discounted total of 8,020 Z-Tokens to get all three on that day. ACC: On that same day, I also got every piece of the legendary endgame Terror Set for a discount price of 7,425 Z-Tokens, meeting the Terror Set FSB requirements completely. ACC: I got Energy Realm Champion Set upon its release and gain 50,000 Z-Tokens along with it. MEGA ACC: Test my new Energy Realm Champion on Sea Titan (Level 150), HPMPSPPKing the Sea Titan after a long drawn out battle of continuously invigorating and incapacitating him at the same time for the next two days. I survive the battle via heal loop and stack up Dazed effect to over 2,100 rounds. DIS: Exhausted up hundreds of Common GGBs to help the desperate Werewolves during Order 66 phase near the closing of War of the Fangs: Revival in attempt to give them a mere chance. But ends up cutting my losses when inevitable defeat becomes more apparent and we're forced to make our last stand via personal kills. Nevertheless, this is the first enjoyable war that gives me the incentive to deeply dedicated to my team's war efforts so it's not completely one-sided and an opportunity to stock up on Ultra Rare GGBs.