AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (Full Version)

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megakyle777 -> AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (7/30/2016 1:04:57)

Okay, so right now, AQ3D is too small to really require a guide, but I thought that people going into the game might want some advice and the like. So I made this thread for all to share tips and tricks. Here are a few of mine.

About crafting items and DC payment: You may be aware that you can immediatly buy a item for a certain amount of DC. However, there is another, cheaper option IF you have the crafting materials or farm for them. Simply craft the item and pay to speed it up instead! This saves some of your hard brought DC! This tip courtesy of the offcial AQ3D twitter as seen in this tweet.

On Weakening your foes: This one may seem like a easy one but I know I always forget it and I have seen others do too. IF you have Guardiain, and you keep using Rogue SOLELY for it's weaken skill, keep in mind that Guardian ALSO has a weaken skill! Not only that but it lasts slightly longer too! However keep in mind you need to get a hit in before using it.

On Dungeions:If you are having a hard time leveling up, dungeions give out more XP for foes then normal foe farming. For example, a normal level 4 foe will give out 11 XP while a Dungion Level 4 foe will give out 19 XP. So make sure to use those keys if you are farming! (Needs confirmation) Also, you may want to bring a freind using either a summon code or the party thread in this forum.

On Guardian Heals: Okay, so with Guardian, heals work on attack. This has both good news and bad news: The GOOD news is you can crit heal for bonus healing. The bad news is you can miss a heal. Want the most out of you heals? Focus somewhat on crit bonuses, damage and hit bonuses!

Dr.Paradine -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (7/30/2016 3:50:59)

I would suggest not worrying about the time it takes for items to craft(unless its the absurdly long ones like an hour+). If you just play the game they'll be done before you know it and you can then just use the crafting tab in your menu area to claim it. Instant Transportation. Right now its not worth it to use DC for anything unless you desperately want a weapon/Item.

HeroKae -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (7/30/2016 13:01:16)

Do not fight mobs with 3 or more levels higher than you as you will miss most of your attacks. You you will also dodge most of low level mobs attacks if you level is high.

Fallen Crest -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (7/30/2016 18:56:09)

-Fully heal yourself by equipping another armor/item when not in combat.
-Kite enemies with Mage if they're too hard for you with the lightning skill. Use the environment as an advantage with mage too.
-EXP/GOLD potions also work on Quest EXP/GOLD.
-Focus on raising damage as some enemies/bosses aren't meant to be tanked and soloed, but burned by dps. With a reliable healing class, this would change.
-Large amounts of mobs with a party, Warrior is the best for the reliable buff and AOE skill.

fabri17 -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (7/31/2016 14:30:52)

Exp/Gold boosts don't work like AQW's boosts, here they keep ticking even when you're offline, so use them planning your following 20 minutes online.

Aaris -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (8/1/2016 8:52:51)

For the areas that have both storyline quests and side quests, accept both sets of quests at the same time. For example, the storyline quest may require you to kill a certain amount of monsters. The side quest may also require you to kill a certain amount of the exact same monster. Accept both quests at the same time and kill two birds with one stone!
If I remember correctly, this happens in GreenGuard, but I can't quite remember...

Potions can be your best friend, they've kept me alive during some important boss fights for quest completion!

Try see if you can accumulate a group of people willing to farm/quest with you. It's worthwhile not going at it alone, and definitely worth it spending time to find a group of people willing to help out

Vypie -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (8/24/2016 19:44:48)

Playing on Android? here's a useful tip:

Double tap on the joystick to 'Auto-run'. This makes kiting enemies possible! You only need to swipe the screen to turn your camera, and it will turn your character at the same time.

The controls are better than I expected, but it may take some time and practice to make it second nature.
The camera is sensitive, but so can be your fingers. Its not hard to control the camera after some time, and the sensitiveness actually eases things like fast turning, looking around, kiting, etc.

megakyle777 -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (9/18/2016 3:25:03)

Another tip: You can pick up any items you have crafted from your menu rather then going to the crafter.

fabri17 -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (10/20/2016 1:15:28)

Not sure if this is a tip/trick, but here goes...
You can run while controlling the camera just by pressing both clicks of the mouse.

hunt70 -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (11/3/2016 20:35:16)

I just discovered this one: When scrolling through equip-able items in your inventory, you can click an item, then right-click it again as an alternate way to 'Preview' it.

DiscoZombie -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (11/3/2016 22:49:02)

Not sure if this counts as a tip or anything but here goes.

Everyone may talk about Shadowskull Bridge being the best place to grind/farm for exp and gold. This is not entirely accurate, as The Mobs in the ShatterSkull Tower Dungeon give more Gold and Experience than grinding for untold hours on the Bridge, though The Nightlocke Dungeons in the Bonecliffs give even more Gold and Exp than the Tower does, those are good alternatives if there isnt a decent grinding team present on the Bridge. You can earn more in a short tip through the tower, but it ill depend upon what room combination you get.

Please Keep to areas in your level zone, if you are around level 6 go to the Crimson caverns dungeon in Barrow Point, there s a room there that spawns mobs infinitely grind there if you must but please do not impose yourselves on higher level areas or players that will probably only cause problems for both sides in the future.
Last bit of advice, all classes have combos, the Guardian more than others, but every class can combo their moves to devastating effect in battle, this is more advice than a tip, go experiment with the classes yourselves.

fabri17 -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (11/10/2016 10:31:53)

Another useful camera thing is that you can use w (or whatever assigned key) to run forward and use the right click to simultaneously turn and move the camera.

Amethystlock -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (11/13/2016 3:16:57)

Going into the SkullTower dungeons and then selling all the items right afterwards, and doing both again and again one after the other, can take a while. But if you wait for your dark power, dark magic and dark smoke to stack to more than 100 and then try to sell them, the slider will automatically be set to sell all. It also makes your lingering visits with Artix to sell things few and far between, as you need only sell the Shadow Ingots after each dungeon-crawl, because their full stack (x2) is the same as what's given.

Edit: Dark Glowing Skulls stack to 6, so never go into a dungeon with 4 in your inventory as there's a chance you might miss one!

LoliFebri -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (12/4/2016 4:11:05)

Tip for using the warrior class:
Do not spam the AoE skill of warrior, preferably, use it once if soloing mobs/boss. Use the AoE skill if you have low health and/or ending the fight. The lower your health, the higher the critical damage gets with the AoE skill.
Doing this may save up more of your mana and mitigate more damage in a monster.

Amethystlock -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (12/5/2016 23:01:21)

When farming for Acevorah (and all other future attractions) please do keep in mind a conversation between one person(who will remain anonymous unless otherwise noted) and Cysero:

Person: "Are absent items from Pre-Beta ever returning or are they permanently rare?"

Cysero: "Probably returning in some form. Maybe different name and stats but nothing is rare."

Wrote a bit more: "they will probably be reintroduced to the game in new locations with new methods of obtaining them. ALSO items might have the same appearance but with a different name on top of that. No rares."

My advice; Really think about the rush you are in for items that will likely count into No Rares for Open Beta. Before staying up all night or midway through the night or the style that fits you when farming the dagger from Acevorah. The good side of this is that most people won't play unhealthily in their rush to get it before a rare date, they have all the time in the world and plan a balanced lifestyle. Though rumor has it, someone farmed for 90 something hours... If you're not having a good time with friends, try the Acevorah a little at a time while waiting for those 10minute interval spawns (AE I SPEAK TO YOU PERSONALLY.....never again please:) and multitask. movies, videos, making bubble tea, you name it.

Reference if you want to play hide and seek:

edit: I see the conversation started with Pre-Beta, Cysero wrote no rares, only a few special historical rewards to show how you took part in Alpha and Beta (Alpha Knight Gear, Beta Blade) and Code Promotional Gear (Capes featuring MMO website symbols) and Kickstarter items (Iwant) are rare(also known as Ultra Rare in a post for Shadow Wolf), I took from it that Open Beta goes into the count of No Rares, but I am only me you know?

Paulus Xiphos -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (6/8/2017 5:10:53)

Can anyone make a small, detailed tip on kiting with Mage? Thanks!

LoliFebri -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (6/8/2017 6:36:40)

Kiting with mage:
Fireball first the enemy then slow it with your thunder. Run in circles after that and use the shield skill when necessary. Always use the thunder skill when it's available.

Metakirby -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (6/8/2017 6:39:55)

The best way to kite with Mage, is to take advantage of the jump momentum, this allows you to not slow down, while still being able to attack, or use the instant activation abilities (anything that isn't fireball). You can more or less not get hit, if the enemy is not ranged, or isn't too fast, especially if they can be slowed down by the Lightning ability.

You need to do long jumps for this to work (running, then jumping), while mid-air, if you let go of all movement keys for the shortest amount of time, you can attack and still keep the momentum of your jump (for maximum effect, you should aim at jumping right as your feet hit the ground and let go of movement keys when you know your auto attack is ready). One thing to remember is that some enemies have a max range they will go to, so it's best to try and make the biggest circle around your enemy as possible, to stay out of range while not accidentally reset them, this range is for mostly any enemy, very big, but it's there, nonteless. If done right, you can attack at a normal pace and have the same momentum as you normally would if you weren't attacking. Be aware of your surroundings though, it doesn't work too well in cramped areas, as you may accidentally jump into range of other, unwanted enemies, or fall off edges.

This is probably way harder, if not impossible on mobile, I don't have any reference of how it is to play on mobile.

XeNON_54 -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (6/8/2017 8:27:10)

Here's another tip: When farming items from a boss(Like the Angered Acevorah in /dropchallenge) make sure EVERYONE gets out of the map right after killing the boss.
Once you come back the boss will instantly respawn instead of waiting for wasted minutes just waiting for the boss to respawn.

This trick is similar to the roomhopping method in AQW except without the numbers in the /join command since there aren't any private instances of maps yet.

Vypie -> RE: AQ3D tips, tricks and advice (6/8/2017 10:35:09)

To kite as mage:
Run in big circles and SPAM auto-attack button. Each time you turn it off and on again, it will shoot the enemy, even while running. There is no need for jumps.
For consistent kiting, don't even use lightning. Most of the time you will be unable to see the enemy, and slowing it down alters its path inwards, and towards you if you are on the move, so you may break your perfect circular kiting and get hit.
If you just use auto-attack it is safer, and most bosses are immune to slow anyways. I usually use lighting if I have space to slow, keep my distance while casting another fireball, and run before getting hit.

On the phone:
Double tap your "joystick". This will enable auto-run. Control the camera with one finger to make your character turn. With the other hand, tap the auto-attack button continuously.

It's not as practical, but certainly possible.

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