=AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (Full Version)

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fabri17 -> =AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (8/2/2016 21:18:13)


Artix Krieger | Tuesday, August 2, 2016


A sneak peak at the class art for the upcoming Dragonslayer class! The armor's design is clearly inspired by the armor of the greatest Dragonslayer of all time, Galanoth.



"When Dragons have nightmares... they are dreaming of him."

Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He lived in a small farming town with his loving parents and brother. His Mother would wrap him in a red blanket each night and kiss him on the forehead. She would whisper in his ear that everything would be alright... that the blanket was magic and would not even burn from Dragon's Fire. The town was peaceful... as long as the town paid the Red Dragon's demands in grain, meat, and blood. See, the boy and his town lived in terror and fear. Seeing the shadow of a Dragon on the ground below you would be your doom. It is no wonder the towns folks trembled each time they came under the shadow of a passing cloud. When the Dragon came, the people ran. All you could do was run-- run and pray it ate what was carefully placed for it on the feeding altar. The Dragon was satisfied with its offerings-- until the day it was not. It was an unusually hard year. The crops became blighted and died. Failure to pay the Red Dragon's ransom resulted in the beasts rage and fury. On that night, the Dragon burnt the entire town to the ground. Everyone was dead. Everyone... except a little boy wrapped in a red blanket. A little boy who wiped the ashes and tears from his eyes at the burned remains of all he knew and loved-- and vowed. "Never... again..."


(This image has been getting a lot of mileage... but it is really fitting for the story.)

Dragonslayer concept art

The Dragonslayer armor has had several different designs since the original one in the first AdventureQuest. Dage's goal keep the soul and feeling of the DragonFable one, mixed with elements of the original AdventureQuest, while giving it a little more thickness (and badarseness) of the BattleGems version.


After concepting the armor, Xero created it in 3D. Dage painted the body first, saving the iconic helmet for last. This is what it looks like when he is painting... just empty gray.




QUESTION: Dragonslayer Skills!?

What skills would you like to see on Dragonslayer? (Aside from the obvious bonuses against Dragonkind of course.)

Time Table Update

We are still working on the updated time table. Stop back tomorrow for the 1st glimpse of the Epic Guardian Rider in motion and possibly a bizarre rant about why playing AQ3D is so hard if your are... French? (No, seriously.)


Tagged. ~Rickyb20

Battle Elf -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (8/2/2016 21:57:15)

Look at that horse jump. Majestic.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (8/3/2016 1:50:02)

While I know the mount is a transformation, I wonder if our equipped items are displayed on the rider. In a way that makes it feel more like a mount than a transformation, which it technically is.

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (8/3/2016 3:13:26)

@above: It most likely won't be. If your normal items were to be used, then there wouldn't be any destinction between actual mounts and transformations that put you on creatures. I'm fairly certain that AQ3D transformations replaces your entire character model with a 'static' (in the sense that they don't load anything else) model, which in this case happens to include the Collector's Guardian equipment.

RKC -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (8/3/2016 4:39:42)

ummmm.... do we get a kick starter version of the armor set not the class?

Frost Moglin -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (8/3/2016 15:52:41)

The dragonslayer art looks great! Since dragons are generally big creatures, the class could have something that's good against enemies with high hp. For example, somehing that does a certain percent of the enemy hp as damage.

omgGrim -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (8/3/2016 16:09:17)

I wonder if there will be a dragon mount/transformation. That would be amazing but not something we need currently.

Evangel -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (8/3/2016 19:56:55)

Whatever Dragonslayer's abilities are, here's hoping it's more useful than AQW's version.

Shiny_Underpants -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes August 2nd, 2016 - Dragonslayer (8/4/2016 3:36:05)

Knockback to foes when attacked.
An effect that lasts over time that deflects damage and knocks back foes attacking the dragonslayer (pointy shoulderplates).

When in combat, if you turn too quickly, it damages and knocks back nearby foes (also pointy shoulderplates- a blur effect should show from them).
Auto-engaging battles could be annoying atm, and with the auto aim this last suggestion is kinda useless.

I'm pretty heavy on the knockback effects here— It's what I think of with heavy armour. Even though there is no such thing as class armour in this game

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