The Non-Elemental Championships, Closed (Full Version)

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Starstruck -> The Non-Elemental Championships, Closed (8/16/2016 17:01:37)

My sincere apologies to Ronin of Dreams, whose work was shamelessly parodied* in the creation of this RP. This will be a light-hearted mock-up of the Elemental Championships, which appear to either not be happening this year or have been delayed for so long that I will not have the ability to meaningfully participate thanks to the looming threat of college work.


Crimson sands gleam under the fair weather sky. The time has come, the Arena breathes. Nearby Nerb begins to clamour with frenzied activity and final preparations. The time has come.

Come one, come all, and bear witness. Come aspirants, come activist, and bear testimony. Come challenger, come competitor, and behold your chance at glory.

The time has come...the Non-Elemental Championships are upon us.

For the very first time, the Non-Elemental Championships have arrived, and for the first time, I will be serving as your humble Director of affairs. It's going to be an absolute, huge mess, as I'm easily the worst choice for Director, but I have locked myself into this office and I'm not leaving until they batter the door down. Everything's gonna be fine. Ready to begin?

Now for those of you wanting to enter the forge of battle, you need to provide me a character biography that satisfies the registration requirements. Anyone can participate! You do not have to previously have participated on the RP Boards here. To begin with, you will provide some form of identification for your character - a name, usually, but titles or other designations for “nameless” characters will serve. Then outline your character’s appearance, including obvious carried weaponry, and outline any skills or abilities that require elaboration. Further details, such as history and personality, are not required. However, if a decision is extremely close and in need of tie-breaker material, additional well-crafted detail may be considered.

I am a merciful tyrant, in the vein of Vetinari, so if you feel some aspect of your character needs to remain secret from your competitors, you may utilize spoiler tags. That may not guarantee others don’t peek, but I would hope others conduct themselves with honor. However, if there is not a sign in your bio that can support a certain action or ability shown in your posts then I shall discard the silken glove covering my iron fist and act without mercy. It is what I do, and I hope the imagery has you smiling despite the seriousness. Overall, all of your listed abilities, skills, and so forth are what your character will have admitted towards during the never-actually-seen in-character testing process. Out-of-character, surprise reactions can be nice to read about, but I should not be surprised that your character can do something.

Applications shall remain open until Wednesday, September 7th, at which point I will select which Arenas will be utilized and randomly assign participants to each. Given how variable the numbers of participants have been in past years, I do not have a specific set of Arenas already pre-planned for use. Rather, I have them all already updated and revised - at least those requiring changes - and will use as many as needful once I have the numbers. Submissions will be evaluated by myself, and approved competitors will be added to a sorted list at the bottom of this post. If your initial submission is not approved, you have until that date to either resubmit a fixed application in a new post, or an entirely new character. To that end, characters not approved will be given a brief reason why, and you can request further elaboration via PM.

In the past, the first phase of the actual tournament facet has been called the preliminaries or the Dropoffs phase. Assuming we have the numbers, I am changing that naming to the Paragon Phase, since you are technically competing against others of your class while generally staying alive in the melee in your assigned arena. The Paragon Phase will last anywhere from two to three weeks, with some variance depending on how active the competition is and how tight the decisions may get. If you need to plan your time out, plan on the full three week period. Currently, the period will end as expected on Wednesday, September the 28th, but if that changes, I will change the date here in addition to posting why.

At the end of the Paragon phase, one finalist from each element will be selected to move on, and this usually takes a day to process my decisions and get the Finals thread ready. Anticipated start date of the Finals will be Friday, September the 30th. More information on the Finals will be forthcoming when the time grows nearer.


As for rules, all normal RP Boards Rules will apply. In addition, I have one item of legal boilerplate as well as the Non-Elemental Championship specific rules: By participating in this Tournament, you recognize my role as Judge and my say as final.

1. Characters must engage in combat.
This is a combat RP event. Make war, not love. If you can manage both...kudos to your multitasking.

2. Do not use ANY magical powers or magical creatures.
This is the Non-Elemental Championship. Do not confuse this with any other kind of championship. Your character is NOT competing for the favor of ANY of the Elemental Lords. There will be no magic. I have also deliberated and decided that, due to the fact that magic isn't real, there will be no sentient creatures or fantasy races. Humans only. Chin up, though - swords exist. The level of technology you are allowed to have is pretty much restricted to Old-Timey Tech. I'll be lenient with what exactly that is, but I will gladly nix a character for being Too Advanced, and I won't provide a detailed explanation, either.

Really, it'll be more fun to create a berserker with an axe than to have to fight your way past my obstinate "no, you can't have an electrified dagger. Try again."

3. You must post regularly.
Consistent activity is paramount. Please do not enter the tournament if you are not committed to staying the course. Nothing is worse than an RPer paralyzed and unable to participate because his or her opponent has gone missing. You MUST post within 4 calendar days of your last post. If you want an extension for any reason, simply post in the thread stating you are adding 24 hours to your time limit. You can only do this once per post. Any other extensions must be PM'd to me.

This system is in place to avoid the natural problem of having a 4-day time limit; when people wait until the last moment, it causes a vicious cycle where people are left with barely a 20 minute window to complete a response to another poster. Abuse of the extension system will have consequences.

4. Do not edit your posts once you have submitted them.
As with bios, you may only edit your posts with the express permission of myself. Editing of bios or of posts without foreknowledge creates suspicion of foul play. Double-check your post before you submit it, and live with any errors you might have once it is submitted.

5. Each RPer is allowed one and only one character.
Mounts are allowed, but everything else is banned.

6. Do not use colored text or other excessive formatting.
We require your posts to be easily readable. The default formatting of the forum is the best option for this. While you may use bold, italics, and underline as normal, do not, for example, create a post consisting entirely of bold text.

7. Death has Consequences
Characters who are killed in the preliminary phase will not be selected for the Finals. Be careful with your life!

8. Have some fun!
All these rules and regulations may seem daunting, but while this is a tournament and a competition, the entire objective is to have some fun. We all like to win, sure, but try to enjoy yourselves along the way!

The penalty for failing to follow the rules may result in your immediate disqualification from the tournament. Failure to comply with the direction of the Director may also result in immediate disqualification from the tournament. While discussion of a ruling may be allowed, as stated before, I have the final say.

General info and tips:

You should note that though this is a competition, collaboration is your best friend. Your character is in combat with other characters; you, however, are not in combat with the other players. We urge you to discuss combat and options with your fellow contestants. You are free to make collaborative posts, and to work out battle sequences.

Kooroo -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (8/18/2016 3:17:46)

I'll participate, assuming we actually get enough people to get this going.

I was actually going to enter the EC, since there's not really anything else to do and I'm bored.
But it doesn't look like we'll be having an EC at this rate.

We're probably more likely to have ducks in the pond again. And considering the pond doesn't have any water, we'd have ducks in our hole-in-the-ground.

Arthur -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (8/18/2016 5:54:20)

I am game. The Non-Elemental Championships sounds like a nice concept and I find myself interested to know how differently this moves from the ECs themselves.

Giving your character the right amount of tech which also falls in the proper restrictions, however, is what I would call tricky here. I do have a slight confusion though.


At the end of the Paragon phase, one finalist from each element will be selected to move on, and this usually takes a day to process my decisions and get the Finals thread ready.


This is the Non-Elemental Championship. Do not confuse this with any other kind of championship. Your character is NOT competing for the favor of ANY of the Elemental Lords. There will be no magic.

Kooroo -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (8/18/2016 6:51:00)

I feel like someone copied and pasted and missed some things.
Or forgot to Ctrl-F and 'element'.

Also, how many people do we need to start this fiesta?

Starstruck -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (8/18/2016 17:34:43)

Oh shoot I definitely removed that. Must have Control Z at a bad moment.

Depending on the size of the tournament we may not even have real phases at all - just dump all the contestants into a big pit full of contraptions and make them fight, then pull them out, clean up, dump them back in, and eliminate them one by one in the Finals phase. This is a budget EC and it will have a budget number of participants.

I'm thinking a solid 5 is all we really need, but if we can attract even a fraction of the usual attention the EC gets we probably won't be lacking in participants. I can always toss in a character of my own if we need to - obviously that character will be eliminated first and their posts won't be spectacularly long.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (9/20/2016 1:03:41)

I would sign up to join this, i've been real busy with college art classes as of late, but I'm still a part of the rp community.

Master K -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (9/21/2016 15:49:42)

I'd be down for this RP.

Starstruck -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (10/9/2016 15:32:34)

Feels good to be back.

As predicted I was busy with homework but the worst of it is over now. Feel free to submit your bios.

We'll be going at a much more sedate pace for this than originally planned, mostly because fewer people means fewer people to cut means a much less aggressive cutting schedule. So that you can have fun with it!

Go ahead and start posting your characters and we'll start at my discretion.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (10/11/2016 23:00:23)

Accessing systems please stand by...

Biological information intel gathering.. processes at 13%...



100%... Intel gathered. Thank you for accessing Drakel technologies virtual.

Name Project X: experiment 630.
Other known aliases: The sub-space raptor. The serene assassin. The drakel destroyer. The relentless raccoon.

Age:Access restricted to highest authority, input secure code 9-3-6. Code verification in process. Access granted. subroutines online. Age has been identified as 800 years in prime conditioning.

Size: 4 feet

weight: weight has been restricted for unwarranted hacking. Accessing database B-72. Access granted. Weight is 59 pounds.

Apperance:Similar to that of a raccoon, but wearing a forest green looking cloak with matching hood. a double gun belt can be seen on the midsection.

Gear: Accessing prime databases. Databases online. Listing equipment now. A Drakel Jetpack- A cube with a button. Once pressed it transforms into a drakel jetpack. unlimited fuel because it runs on a six megaton micro solar battery that fits right into the middle of the jetpack.

Two FBG handheld laser pistols. (The FBG stands for Freaking Boom gun). 1 satchel with 3 time-gear grenades. (These grenades will explode outwards slowing the movements of opponents down by half their normal speed. So say if they were moving a punch at 50 miles an hour, the time gear grenade would slow that movement down considerably.)

One major dual-hand rocket launcher with 6 available rockets. (Please note this particular rocket launcher has been developed specifically for the height and size requirements of this experiment.)

One Drakel technology sword. (it can cut through solid gold in approximately 2 minutes).

Stealth-camoflauge cloak- (It has a limited range and while the raccoon may be invisible to the naked eye, there are still very vague hints of the location.
Talents:extra-sensory hearing and sight. Able to see in the dark as easily as the light. Self-regeneration. (Ability to heal self automatically, process might take longer depending on the damage.)

Internal access to Drakel Tech databases to allow for a better analyzation of opponents.

Ability to mimic 1 and only 1 of an opponents own professional moves. (So for example let's say that somebody used a fire spell on him. The experiment could repeat that exact same move back to the opponent.)

Ability to climb. (Raccoons have a natural affinity for climbing.)

Knowledge of 22 different dialects with the ability to process and learn more if needed through the Drakel Tech Database.

Decent agility.

History:Project X started out in a Drakel testing lab starting out as an idea of how to enhance bio-genetical soldiers but in a micro-sized form. The tests kept failing up until this particular unit was made. For some reason it has adapted to situations far exceedingly that have gone awry and calculated the effective odds of overcoming transgressions. A lot of the history has been kept under locked doors and in a secure encrypted safe because of the risk of hackers that badly want the information. He escaped the lab after a malfunction caused a direct assault to the Cerebal cortex of the brain. Lashing out in revenge the experiment now works as a bounty-hunter, accepting payment for ending particular opponents.

One day the flier for this non-championship had dropped down upon him and he took it up as a challenge.

(oh and on a side note, I'm still in 2 art classes but i check late at night, so if it seems like i might be a little sluggish, it's because of art.)

Starstruck -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (10/12/2016 10:20:07)

Unfortunately your character is not human so I can't accept it. Technology seems okay (the spell mimicry won't happen spells) but please change the character to human.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (10/12/2016 22:52:34)

First of all, my apologies I neglected to see the stipulation being reduced to humans only.

Second of all. I never said that the mimic was a spell. You did. I stated it was a talent. I never once in that entire sentence, speculate, stipulate or even lead an assumption towards the skill being magical in nature.

It's all technology based due to the Drakel technology.

I'll have to re-calibrate the raccoon to human level, so i'll have that to you likely on Friday night. I'm going to be a bit busy tomorrow at college due to art classes, and I'll be relatively busy this friday morning/afternoon as well.

So I'll have that information to you as soon as i can.

Starstruck -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (10/13/2016 1:34:02)

No I meant that the tech mimicry is designed to mimic spellcraft which isn't going to happen in this RP.

You essentially have an ability that does absolutely nothing.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (10/14/2016 16:29:31)

It's designed to mimic a move from the opponent. The fireball was just an example to give you an idea of what it can copy.

Now if I may have your permission to alter the original design above, i can change the necessary pieces to make this a human.

also. I'm now suffering from a stupid cold.

Starstruck -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (10/15/2016 5:57:49)

Yeah reviewing that technology none of it is in the spirit of the competition, much less the letter of the rules. Information storage and transmission, battery technology, lasers powerful enough to damage people (or plasma contained in a magnetic field), a sword that can cut through gold (? what does this mean), a rocket launcher (!!!!!!!!) invisibility (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

You're going to be competing with combatants who have a sword and a shield and nothing else.

Put more simply, this is the NON-ELEMENTAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. If you could enter your character into the Elemental Championships, that character clearly does not fit into this RP. As your character is very obviously an Energy element warrior, I'm going to reject the entire thing. Submit a different character, please.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (10/18/2016 23:23:29)

fine. but it may have to wait until after mid-term art stuff is over. Things have suddenly gotten super busy with art projects.

Starstruck -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (11/2/2016 12:26:36)

Just bumping this so people can see it!

I know it's a lot less magical than the EC, but I'm sure it'll be tons of fun.

Kooroo -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (11/22/2016 11:00:48)

Probably the... I'd say 6th iteration.
Still don't like it. not used to making throwaway characters.

I'll finish it when I finally decide on a final history. Unimportant things like personality might be added to or changed.

Name: Mortrem Trentz

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Race: Human.

Height: 1.79 meters.

Mortrem is a tall, wiry man with a cruel smile and a nastier gaze. He has long, dark and unkempt hair, which stops at the base of his neck. He always wears worn, red and gold robes, which have large, protective leather patches across the shoulders, chest and back. He carries a worn cutlass at his left hip, with a pouch full of ammunition on his right. .

A worn, yet serviceable cutlass. Standard issue for your typical suicidal cultist.

He also carries a very non-standard issue revolver, which he has holstered under his robes, around his chest. Except for a very slight bulge, it’s not really visible.


Brash, cynical and overly unpleasant. Not a man that you would want to have a drink with, unless crazy, zealous deathbringers are your kind of conversation topic. Refuses to talk about his past, and gets violent very very easily.

Fighting ability:
Mortrem is of average strength and speed for a man of his size.
His swordplay is not the best, nor is it particularly refined. The main edge that he has going for him is his tendency to swing more recklessly and ferociously than most people would deem sane. It would be enough to see him through against an average man of average skill, and with an average sword.

As odd as it may seem, he’s an exceptional shot with a revolver however. He’d be a downsized version of the protagonist from a Wild West film, save his refusal

Other Skills and Abilities:
Incredible determination and insanity.

Starstruck -> RE: The Non-Elemental Championships (11/26/2016 1:10:59)

I'm getting the feeling that this RP just isn't appealing to enough people, so I'm going to shut down applications and try to start a different RP that people will be a little more interested in. :)

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