Copying the format of a thread (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> Copying the format of a thread (9/27/2016 19:40:28)

I want to compile all of the posts of a specific thread ( The Rise of Domrius) to make a single cohesive document. That includes copying the bold/talics as well. Is there any way for me to do this?

Shadowhunt -> RE: Copying the format of a thread (9/27/2016 20:42:11)

Highlight the text and copy it and then paste it. I just tried using both Microsoft OneNote and Microsoft Word with one of your posts in there that has bold and italics and the formatting of it mostly copied over. Horizontal rules didn't seem to copy over to OneNote, though it did copy over to Word. So basically copy/paste works, though you may get different results depending on the program you're pasting into.

TJByrum -> RE: Copying the format of a thread (9/28/2016 17:54:31)

Thank you for the reply Shadowhunt.

It didn't copy the formatting over on my end, but now that I know the format can be copied (more easier than I thought), I will attempt to find an up-to-date program that can accomplish this.

Thank you. This question can be closed.


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