Anyone play AE games with Firefox? (Full Version)

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Guardian Patrick -> Anyone play AE games with Firefox? (10/20/2016 3:23:25)

So I was playing AQW on Firefox, there is a terrible click delay for me. Does that happen to anyone who use Firefox or am I the only one that is affected?

I tried on my desktop computer, the lag occured. I tried on my laptop, it occured too.

When I try another browser like Chrome, everything is fine.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Anyone play AE games with Firefox? (10/20/2016 10:03:23)

The Forum Support forum is for forum-related support, such as clarification of the forum rules.
Anything related to a specific game should be posted in the respective game forum.

AQW Bugs, specifically, are reported through the Bug Tracker.
If you worry you stumbled upon a bug or a problem, report it. The Bug Tracker gathers much more metadata (such as operating system, browser, Flash Player version and more) which allows the team to analyze the possible bug the best they can.
I also recommend to make sure both Firefox and Flash Player are updated, and try clearing your cache and restarting your computer.

As help was given and the post is in the incorrect forum, I'm locking the thread.

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