RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (Full Version)

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Satafou -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/4/2016 18:21:08)

Tbh with the dire event known as gifting, credits should not be a major issue for the more active high ranking players. Since there is a lvl 15 with 1 million credits already.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/4/2016 18:29:43)

@ Satafou

That is only if you can make it to enough giftings to gain this credit boost. You have to deal with making to the world, worrying about if the person get DC or switches worlds, as well as worrying about DC yourself and this is if you actually know and make it to said giftings.

If gifting awarded everyone in the same spot regradless of the world, and not just one world this wouldn't be an issue but it isn't.

shadow.bane -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/4/2016 20:08:16)

true so satafou well like that level 15 with 1.1 million credits is me :p since they disabled my main lol.
No0va Level 15
tho people need a push and ae needs money they give free credits to everyone while gifters pay for them.

but as mother1 said they need to focus on more important things.

as for @noobatron lord ginger was so clear about high ranks. there were people like you here in the forums who were low ranks and complaining about high ranks (in fact underdog came after a low rank player complained about ranks) now many of those forums users stepped to rank 80 + and felt our struggle...
took (talking about me) 1 year or more to reach max rank and remove them will be pain... can u refund the time i spent on to get high rank? NOPE
will ae refund the credits (1,485,000 credits) i spent to unlock all 100 ranks ? maybe but if they did will be like enhancements 20 % back only and that's a NOPE from me i'd quit as ginger said.
as i said before i say now think then post don't post just cause ur losing too much... if u lose too much just go npcs it's an easy way to rank up.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/5/2016 1:15:35)

I hate to burst your bubble Shadow.bane but seeing as I was on the EpicDuel team when Underdog mode came into existence I think it is safe to see I saw a little more of the behind the scenes than that of an average forums user.

Underdog mode exists to address the level gap issues that had plagued EpicDuel since just about its inception. A further increasing level cap along with the addition of ranks and a decreasing player base from previous phases meant the developers had to create a system that would attempt to alleviate the pain of of matches with a large level discrepancy.

Now I know this doesn't fit into your narrative so you will most likely choose to ignore this but everyone can read it at the very least

shadow.bane -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/5/2016 6:08:50)

^ that's the problem... bring people that are not active at all to test thing and view thing in a wrong perspective.. Testers should be active people that knows the game well. unlike you and Xandran do 1 battle every year and call your self knowledge about ED, your thinking is way wrong. Case closed.

Satafou -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/5/2016 7:42:28)

To be honest i don't know why the devs don't just delete ranks and underdog. It's at the point where it's evident enough that ranks are detrimental to the games balance and overall progression. Players like myself who heavily invested in varium for enchantments lost everything getting a mere 30% refund, to make it even worse the refund was capped to 30k varium if i can recall correctly. Credits are not bought with real money, varium is.

Also i did state "the more active" implying that they would be around for gifting. Higher ranked players should be much more active than those of lower rank. This game has honestly been an absolute joke the past 3 years and anyone who is willing to claim otherwise is just in denial. This "balance update" was just a lure for fools to blow a bunch of money on the useless in game currency known as varium, and no i am not saying useless in terms of it not giving more power. I am claiming it is useless due to the hyperinflation of credits caused by this stupid gifting event that should never of occurred 3 years ago.

But alas here we are: the game is going to die, the devs are milking gifting to the point they are getting every last drop of cash from surprisingly loyal players and the game is in a bigger mess than it was in beta. Now I am by no means claiming beta is the best phase, beta had a lot of flaws, but it was in a much better situation than the game is in now.

For anyone who still cares about this game after all these years, I suggest you don't have high expectations for things to improve as the devs for this game are as trustworthy as politicians are in the real world.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/5/2016 20:11:50)

@bane true

8x -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/6/2016 12:23:03)

There is experience and there is knowledge. You could do only one battle per year and still be knowledgeable about EpicDuel.

off topic
Just out of curiosity, how the heck did you manage to get yourself banned? And aren't you technically ban jumping now?

shadow.bane -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/6/2016 16:02:13)

Ban jumping ?
Got banned for a reason which u don't need to know it xD
anw on what u said there it's true but a person is known by the way he talks. owa might be experienced yeah but noobatron well his name says it all (sorry for being to honest)

nowras -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/8/2016 4:05:45)

@Noobatron Math says that high ranked players are suffering as much as low ranked players while med ranked players are getting all the advantage. I have suggested a perfect suggestion ages ago
about how to fix this issue as that suggestion buffs underdog mode for low levels, nerfs med ranked players and finally, buffs high ranked players. Yet you didn't support that suggestion because you're biased and because you're refusing to accept the truth that rank 80 isn't the best rank. Not to mention that by logic, the highest rank/level must be the best. If ED doesn't follow logic, then it would never succeed.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/8/2016 9:40:20)

@Noobatron X3000

Just because hardly anyone is said level doesn't mean the issue should be ignored. Balance issues are still balance issues, and catering to one group of people while leaving another group of people to suffer isn't how you fix a game.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/8/2016 10:40:46)

The problem with anything above rank 60 is the intended ranks you grab in that range have no numerical value that works into any other balance calculation. Medical Mastery and Energy Efficiency cannot be counted by giving the player more defense and resistance and really these abilities don't provide enough of a shake up in most cases for their impact to be viewed as a real balance issue either.

The energy meta is all or nothing so splitting hairs over a handful of energy on a core isn't going to make it easier for you to combo cores it just makes it so the enemy gets that tiny bit more of a return when they drain you for all you are worth. And unless your fight is frequently coming down to the last 20 health then medical mastery is also not doing you any favors and that only applies if you have healed in the fight.

So the easy fix and we are all aware of it and have been aware of it for just about as long as underdog mode has existed is cap it at e-Lvl 46 instead of 48. Now you are only being countered for the ranks that are always going to provide you with a tangible power bonus instead of the ones where the power bonus is questionable for one and can potentially aid your opponent for the other

nowras -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/8/2016 11:51:32)

@OWA Yea, sure that fix would fix the issue related to rank 80 but, it would harm low ranked and low level players.
Though, implementing that suggestion for a limited time only until they find other solutions for this problem would be better than nothing.
The best solution/suggestion for this is the follow suggestion:

"The underdog mode doesn't really give low ranked players (ranks 1 - 23) too much stats to counter high ranked players but, it gives rank 24-79 players too much stats making it unfair against rank 80 players which means underdog mode needs a complete revamp.
The underdog mode shall be renamed in this case to Legendary underdog mode but, the basic underdog mode (the one we have) shall also be used but, only when there's a difference between their E-levels.

Underdog mode shall work the way I said in the past. It shall give the lower ranked person 50% of what the higher ranked person has of perks that the lower ranked person doesn't have. Well, underdog mode shall be renamed in this case to Legendary Underdog mode and each 40 ranks shall now count as one E-Level. While the basic underdog mode (the one we have) shall also, be used but, only when there's a difference between their E-levels.

Like for example:

A level 40 rank 10 is fighting a level 40 rank 20. The rank 20 is putting his points on both defense and resistance while the rank 10 has his points invested only in defense. LUM (Legendary underdog mode) would give him 5 15 resistance points and that's it.

A level 29 is fighting a level 30. The level 29 gets the basic underdog mode (+1 str/dex/tech/sup).

A level 40 rank 10 is fighting a level 39. The 40 has his points invested in defense.
The level 39 gets both of the LUM and UM. That means he would get 5 15 defense points and +1 str/dex/tech/sup.

A level 40 rank 80 is fighting a rank 1 40. The rank one gets 50% of all legendary stats and gets Underdog mode II. (+1 str/sup +2 dex/tech).

A level 40 rank 80 is fighting a level 38. The level 38 gets 50% of the legendary points the 80 has and gets underdog mode IV. (+2 str/sup +3 dex/tech)."

The suggestion was reposted from one of my old posts see post here. It's literally the best solution for this problem.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/8/2016 12:20:23)

@Nowras I believe the system works in its current form because it isn't pinging the database to see what the other player is using which is why E-lvls are based off of total rank and not what stats you have dived into. Like if it could properly tell what ranks you and I used it wouldn't matter what your total rank but what ranks you had taken which we both know isn't reflected in the system. So your idea just isn't support by the current game engine furthermore when Rabble addressed this way back when it sounded like it was a huge lag risk to create the system needed to properly handle that due to how much we would be pulling from the database almost constantly

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/10/2016 14:01:00)

@OWA Are you guys aware that E levels aren't balanced?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/10/2016 14:15:31)

Keenly aware and I believe the devs have just shown they are aware of that fact as well but given the way the system works you won't be able to properly balance it due to focusing all on n ranks or n+1 or n+2 all the way up to 7 producing different kinds of power differences. Couple this with your personal diminishing returns and how Underdog impacts your build it is just a whole mess that I don't know if it can ever be done correctly

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/10/2016 14:52:25)

Everybody knows E levels aren't balanced basic maths.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.6.67 - December 1st, 2016 (12/10/2016 18:44:07)


Also as the ranks? With the current patches, robots, auxes, def/res are typically the most powerful ranks(strength builds really don't work so I didn't add in primary). Is there a way to make the difference between about ranks 1-40 different from 41-60 since 40 is less far away in power from 60 than 0 is from 20? And even less different from 61-80 than 40-60, as many rank 80 players say rank 39-79 say is better than rank 80.

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