Snow Angel
«Neutral pet. Mastercraft; seeks between Ice and Light damage.»
Location: Frostval 2014: Gift Delivery!
Element: Neutral
Type G
Level 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145
PowLvl 5 MC 15 MC 25 MC 35 MC 45 MC 55 MC 65 MC 75 MC 85 MC 95 MC 105 MC 115 MC 125 MC 135 MC 148 MC
Price 18 24 41 89 226 614 1715 4841 13719 38929 110509 313757 890861 2529504 7182300
Sell 9 12 20 44 113 307 857 2420 6859 19464 55254 156878 445430 1264752 3591150
Hits: 1
Type: Melee or Ranged «See Effect»
Element: Seeks between Ice and Light «See Effect»
Damage 1-6 2-10 3-14 5-19 6-25 8-30 9-37 11-44 13-51 15-59 17-68 19-77 21-86 24-96 27-110
Stat% 99.75 149.25 198.75 248.25 297.75 347.25 396.75 446.25 495.75 545.25 594.75 644.25 693.75 743.25 807.6
BTH 1 3 6 8 11 13 16 18 21 23 26 28 31 33 37
Does either a Melee Ice attack or Ranged Light attack, whichever does the most damage. Does the Ice attack if both are tied.
Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman. It can be a snow angel like this one, which seeks between Light and Ice attacks!
Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.
MC: Seeks between Ice and Light damage without a penalty.
January 4, 2015: The pet was released.
January 15, 2015: The pet became rare.