Magic Flaming Sword (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Magic Flaming Sword (12/8/2016 7:11:32)

Magic Flaming Sword

«20% proc Magic Light sword. Mastercraft; can lower the monsters Defences.»

Location: Frostval 2014: Gift Delivery!
Type															G
Level	5	15	25	35	45	55	65	75	85	95	105	115	125	135	145
PowLvl	5 MC	15 MC	25 MC	35 MC	45 MC	55 MC	65 MC	75 MC	85 MC	95 MC	105 MC	115 MC	125 MC	135 MC	148 MC

Price	35	47	81	178	451	1226	3428	9682	27439	77859	221019	627513	1781722	5059007	14364599
Sell	17	23	40	89	225	613	1714	4841	13719	38929	110509	313756	890861	2529503	7182299
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage	3-8	4-11	5-14	5-17	6-18	7-20	7-22	8-24	8-26	9-27	10-28	10-30	11-31	11-33	12-35
BTH	1	2	3	4	6	7	8	9	11	12	13	14	16	17	19
Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Light
BR%	105	148.5	195.5	246	299	354	411.5	470.5	531	572.5	603.5	633.5	663.5	692.5	730
LS%	99.75	149.25	198.75	248.25	297.75	347.25	396.75	446.25	495.75	545.25	594.75	644.25	693.75	743.25	807.75
+BTH	3	7	11	15	19	23	28	32	36	40	44	48	50	51	53
Rate: 20%

  • After the special, the monster's inflicted with Defence Loss* ([hits connected] rounds, -6.75*[light res] defence, rounded stochastically). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus**:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: VStat vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    *If the monster is already affected by Defence Loss, then it increases the power of the existing status instead.
    	5	15	25	35	45	55	65	75	85	95	105	115	125	135	145
    VStat	20	45	65	85	105	130	150	170	195	200	200	200	200	200	200
    **The beautiful release leaves your foe distracted!
    **Your foe avoids the worst of the purifying flames.

    It's the arms of an angel! This one is Magic and can leave your opponent as defenceless as an abandoned kitten.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    Special starts out with:
    Level	5	15	25	35	45	55	65	75	85	95	105	115	125	135	145
    PowLvl	5	15	25	35	45	55	65	75	85	95	105	115	125	135	148
    BR%	210	297	391	492	598	708	823	941	1062	1145	1207	1267	1327	1385	1460
    LS%	200	299	398	497	596	695	794	893	992	1091	1190	1289	1388	1487	1615
    +BTH	3	7	11	15	19	23	28	32	36	40	44	48	50	51	53
    With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    MC: Inflicts Defence Loss on the special.

    All this has ALREADY been factored in to the above numbers.


    January 4, 2015: The weapon was released.
    January 15, 2015: The weapon became rare.

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