RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (Full Version)

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Foulman -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/20/2018 7:13:25)

Can we get some real, in-game consequences from all the deaths in the game? Think about how many of those soldiers/monsters we've killed, and all those wars/invasions/massacres that have happened. I want "Evil" and "Good" to have actual meaningful effects on our gameplay, other than one side having edgy undead/demonic gear and the other having knights/paladins/angels.

The hero is no longer a war hero; we've killed way too many monsters/soldiers etc to be heroes. We're really just the biggest, baddest monsters in the in-game universe, and I'd really like to see a main storyline that deals with the concept of heroes/gods who abuse their limitless powers. Can we fight against the real "heroes" of this game, or the ones who are trying to take us down for the right reasons? I'd like to see a much darker turn in the storyline, with just as many puns and running gags as the old days.

I want bosses to be interactive - think Vath/Stalagbite, Wolfwing, Ledgermayne, Chimera, Tibicenas. We don't want HP sponges like Binky, or even bosses with stupidly powerful auto attacks like Shrade. We want something interesting, without artificially increased playing time (low drop rates, extra high HP).

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/21/2018 17:23:16)


Technically, Tara isn't dead. We were supposed to find out what happened to her, but the 7 Deadly Dragons happened instead and I guess other releases took priority.

There were at least one relase and an epaluge involving Aria since Tara was lost and she was alone and surrounded by monsters. She was just a child. I'm pretty sure she's dead.

There are quite a few forgotten charaters, but many of them like sage Uldor are tucked away in an inn somewhere. I wonder if he is ever gong to be come releavant.

ShatteredReality -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/21/2018 17:47:21)

How about she's in the limbo with all the other hundreds of forgotten characters? [:D]

Beshin Adin -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/21/2018 20:18:03)

Is Tara still dead since they discontinued the Infernal saga?

Frigus -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/22/2018 20:55:35)

Can we have a Big Bad that doesn't exist to warm a throne? It would be nice if the villain could get her hands dirty. Drakath being a throne-warmer is okay as a starter villain, but the Queen of Monsters annoys me because she's not proactive. She's just Drakath's boring mother who loves sitting on a throne.

Beshin Adin -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/23/2018 12:30:44)

^ on occasions, Drakath was proactive

- Ledgermayne saga: He fought behind the scenes
- WWL: He fought and killed Hero............twice
- Swordhaven: He killed Seppy
- Finale: He killed Khassie and Eshie, almost killed Gravelyn, and fought multiple times

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/25/2018 19:42:33)

I know Sage Uldar wasn't a big part of the AQ plot, but he has been in Yuglaar's sinnce since at least October 2005. Probably longer. Yulgar's Inn just doesn't seem right with out him. Please find a space for him.

Orcus on His Throne TV tropes look it up. This is an often used but ligitmate trope. Evil has a tendancy to turn on itself. and there is truth in TV in this one if the BBEG leaves his throne unattended for too long he risks finding someone trying to occupy it when he returns.

Frigus -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/26/2018 19:47:19)

As much as like DF lore, AQW doesn't seem to draw from anywhere else in the AE Multiverse. Really, AQ is the only other source to draw from. Sure, we have The Span and Artix's spaceship, but I'ld like to see more to be drawn from AQ such as Brilhado necromancy for Gravelyn and the Shadowscythe.

Beshin Adin -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/27/2018 18:20:10)

^ Nightbane was a fun AQ villain. Give AQW a Nightbane saga

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/27/2018 23:57:42)

I was rewatching the cutscens from Love's curse. You use J6's ghost to smuggle a spirt out of the underworld, there was a hint that this would happen in the main story line. I still hope the hero will bring Britney back via this.

teravor -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/28/2018 0:12:00)

They'd have to confirm if Wolfwing died when he was killed before we got a Nightbane Saga.

Edorath -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/28/2018 8:17:33)

It honestly feels the writers have absolutely no idea what they are doing or where do they want to head besides pumping out weekly releases and rares. Every attempt at a story post book 1 has been elther a mess, contradicted everything the game (let alone staff themselves) previously stablished, has been incoherent or even all of those at once, sometimes even when it came to art. Things have no coherence or even consequence because they will be changed as soon as the staff needs it for a release (Like Sepulchure’s death or pretty much every promise made in World War Lore, up to safiria’s death) and even leaving that aside the game has several subplots still running at the same time without going anywhere, and sometimes the staff will apparently even forget it had art for something and redo it several times (the most blatant example is Akriloth’s several appereances ingame). Another example of incoherent storytelling is the game outright telling you in the Book 1 finale during Drakath’s flashback “all of this happened in Dragonfable go play it” and pretty much lets you play the Dragonfable book 1 finale from Drakath’s point of view, which at the moment i found it something really nice, it tied the lore of both games together in an interesting way. But then we got the Fire War releases. For those that don’t know it, the Fire War was a series of events in AQ classic that got expanded and turned into a part of the main storyline in Dragonfable later on (more precisely, the fire orb saga), which directly contradicts what was stated before once again. You can’t tell the player “all of this already happened prior to the game’s beggining” and then release it as a story that take place right after that point.

TLDR: What the staff really needs is coherency and a cohesive story right now.

zanathos -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/28/2018 16:29:24)

@Teravor: I thought I read Wolfwing was coming back for that Darkovia event this fall

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (7/31/2018 17:28:17)

Edorath I agree less dragon fable more advenure quest. The not to The'Galin, in Menmet's nightmare Realm quest was nice, but seriously . Less Dwakel and more Drakel. enough dark elves and some actual elves. dracomancers, vamprook spire, Sage Uldar, The wizard Games, Deren

Frigus -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (8/1/2018 20:00:58)

I understand the choices to use Dragonfable lore. Dragonfable did define or refine many staples of the AE multiverse from the Land of Dragons being shaped like a an actual dragon, the elemental orb saga, and giving us a definitive villain that has a major intimidation factor in the Shadowscythe and Sepulchure, but what it does is make AQW feel like a sequel to DF rather than a merger of 3 timelines.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (8/1/2018 21:41:48)

I strongly disagree. DF didn't make it better just darker and edgier. Adventure Quest did the elemental orb saga and did it better. This does not qualify as better. Loosing doe not qualify as better. Hopeless does not qualify as better. constant downer endings does NOT QUALIFY AS BETTER! The only thing Dragon Fable got better was redeeming Konan and looks like Xan is wnot thrilell on his way. Admitlly DF did give Warlic a past a really really messed up the

The elemental orb saga AQ vs DF . In AQ the hero actually managed to hold on to the elemental orbs, and summon the avatar of hope and save lore from The' Gaglin. The Devolver Saga was so epiThere wc it's true roots go deeper than the saga itself. AS in all wars where were losses. Some named NPCs died. But in the end hope prevailed and Lore was saved. Adventure Quest Artix and Obsida are dealing wiith the fall out of the Paladin NEcromancer war and we have the Chess master Saga also what went on with the Trumphia Saga was very interesting. Needless to day from Elemental Orbs, to the great fire war, to Vamprires vs Werewolves AQ did it first and did it better.

Dragon Fable, We lost to Sepplacure at just about every turn, no matter how hard the players fought he kept getting the orbs. The mysterious strnager showed his true colors, Draikath got turned into a dragon, Lore was nearly destoryed Warlic was torn into two another world was destoryed book 2 happened and now some fanatic order is trying to end magic.

I like sseing the dracomancer class in AQ Worlds. I want to see the Dracomancer Saga Galanoth actually fell in love wtih a Dracomancer in Adventure Quest.

Berg67253 -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (8/2/2018 1:40:26)

@Foulman thats pretty true it would be neat to have someone going after you for your actions. In addition i'm not a fan of being a forced powerful godlike force (dragon of time/powers) from a storyline perspective, this is mostly because the problem is magnified when it's an online game. It just feels weird having thousands of dragon of time people running around. The original Adventure Quest felt more of an mmo despite it being mostly single player ironically.

I got the impression that in the original adventurequest you the player was a random Guardian in training and going on adventures to gain more power to not only being able to help the fellow people and citizens of the land(s) but also deal with new and amazing to even outlandish threats such as taking on multiversal conquerors such as Carnafex Rex (with the help of others of coarse, not because of having some kind of super secret hidden powers) which eventually you could a chance at becoming a hero because of it, it felt more mmoish than what aqworlds eventually became.

Even certain house features like house invasions are rooted from certain mmo's. Aqworlds just feels like an online extended dragonfable story wise, which is fine (the game used to have a healthy population despite it being heavily story driven) aside from certain stories being pretty nonsensical and less coherent version of DF which is a shame because it's wildly all over the place at times with some of them having plotholes and whatnot. However i think people at the time were hoping for adventure quest online (the mmoish aspect and feel of the game turned online and the story being kind of less in your face type of deal but still there) rather than a more direct dragonfable online or more of a mishmash of some kind with pretty heavy DF qualities.

Though now that i think about it would be awesome to have something like house/home invasions plucked from adventure quest classic and put into aqworlds for example.

Frigus -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (8/3/2018 19:59:57)


I strongly disagree. DF didn't make it better just darker and edgier.

I never made the subjective statement of DF being better. I just made the objective statement of defining the lore of the plot points like the orbs and Shadowscythe. In the original orb saga from AQ, we know nothing of the orbs. they were basically palette swaps of each other hidden away in different locations. DF gave us their origins, the relationship between Dragons and the Elemental Planes.

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (8/4/2018 0:52:28)

There's really no shame in admitting AQW lacks substance in its stories. The game's mostly good for throwing items at us or us at items. Cutscenes can be skipped so players likely don't care much about a story which begs the question if there really is a need for cutscenes or a story at all.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Story (8/4/2018 11:54:28)

DF doesn't completely define Lore, in AQ you learn about Lore's creator, THe elemental Lords (not the Avatars the actual Elemental Lords) The' Galin. Further more the elemental orbs on AQ are not the same elemental orbs in DF they do not have the same origin or the same purpose. Note AQ has 8 orbs. In dragon Fable the earth orb got broken in two and had to be fixed. then there was the 9th orb bacorn. In AQ you see where Lore got it's name from Loreithia the goddess who created Lore. Given that she existed in the beginign I am fairly certain she exists in AQ, DF, AQWorlds and MQ. Only the because of the DevoSaga has he made herself known in AQ.. Given how much the Queen of Monsters has corrupted this Lore with chaose I can't immagine that the Devorere would be far behind

Aura Knight: You don't care about the story, doesn't mean the rest of the players don't. The cut scenese can be skipped so players don't have to go though them two or three times (unlike dragonfable) The story isn't as good as it or say AQ Clasic or Dragon Fable were in thei early days of the game then again even those games aren't. Seplacrue's backstory has proved interesting and worth watching, while the Two nights at twigs was just a FNAF rip off as for Friday the 13th NO MORE Shrade enough with the hockey masks already.

Lastly in the Love's curse quest line, which waws rather enjoyable, J6's helmet was used to posses a ghost and bring Romeo back from the dead. IT was hintted that this would happen again in game. I am hoping that we will be able to bring Brittney back eventually. Seriously what's taking so long?

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