Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (Full Version)

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Warmaker04 -> Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (12/28/2016 14:07:30)

What do you think of every weapon having unique *limit of upgrades* to a certain stat? Okay lets take a look at this. So as you know, for standard lvl 40 ->

swords : the limit of each stat is 12 and there are (28 upgrades)
clubs/staffs/claws : the limit of each stat is 10 and there are (23 upgrades)
guns: the limit of each stat is 8 and there are (19 upgrades)
auxs: the limit of each stat is 7 and there are (17 upgrades)
armors: the limit of each stat is 8 and there are (20 upgrades)
armors: the limit of both def and res is 120 and there are (12 upgrades)

The maximum limit would obviously be the number of upgrades. So what if a sword has as stat limits - 15 upgrades to str, 6 upgrades to dex, 5 upgrades to tech and 2 upgrades to support. This would mean that you won't be able to spend more than 15 upgrades on str, more than 6 upgrades on dex, more than 5 upgrades on tech and more than 2 upgrades to support on that weapon. If the maximum limit to a stat is 0 upgrades, then that would mean you cannot spend ANY upgrade points on that stat. So what do you think about this?

Moved to Suggestions. ~WhiteTiger

nowras -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (12/28/2016 14:22:01)

Your idea sounds interesting.

Warmaker04 -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (12/29/2016 5:37:54)

^ I find my own idea quite interesting as well because it brings us back to the times when every single weapon had something unique and I think it would be more interesting if every weapon was just a bit different (I am talking about Omega).

Just to point out :

- This has nothing to do with reverting phases or adding features from previous phases. This idea is NOT adding *unique stats* to all weapons but adding *unique limit of upgrades to a stat*, so it cannot be considered a feature from a previous phase.

crownthedeadman -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (12/30/2016 4:06:14)

hmmm. so it is weapon to weapon like aux sidearm primary and others or specific wep to wep like old scimiter have different while the blood hawk have different :?

Warmaker04 -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (12/30/2016 4:29:39)

Sorry, I am not exactly sure what you mean. Yeah all weapons will have a bit difference, just like guns,auxs and armors. But not robots. Not sure what you mean about the blood hawk

Stonehawk -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (12/31/2016 12:20:58)


hmmm. so it is weapon to weapon like aux sidearm primary and others or specific wep to wep like old scimiter have different while the blood hawk have different :?


I think he is trying to ask whether there will be unique limit of stats for each KIND of weapons (all clubs have their same limits, all guns have the same limits) or each weapon even if the same kind have their unique limit of upgrades.

I will myself answer his question. Each weapon is unique, even if they are all same type. Some swords will have max 20 support and 8 dex while others will have max strength 7, max dexterity 7, max tech 7 and max support 7. Right?

Now, I'll tell why I DON'T SUPPORT this.

1- This is the same thing as it was before, only harder. I mean, there were unique weapons before with unique stats and you bought it with their stats. only difference now is that you will also have to upgrade them after buying. After fully upgraded, they will be nearly the same thing they used to be before. Example: there was that bio staff with +23 tech and some support. Now there will still be a staff with lots of tech and support, but you will have to buy them AND upgrade.

2- Although this brings some diversity to the game, the inventory capacity will be a problem and you will have to sell a weapon to buy another if you want to try a build that doesn't work with your current weapons. And also you will have to fully upgrade them again to reach its full power, making them even more expensive. It makes people down to 0 credits a lot faster, which is not good in a game that's so hard to get credits.

Now my suggestion:
If it was to make unique weapons, I'd rather make them buyable with their stats already fixed AND additional stat points to be upgraded afterwards (retrainable).

Bio Staff:+13 tech, +10 support (Total = 23). Specific class weapons have +10 additional points to be upgraded on any stats you choose.
Blood Hawk Slayer P: +7 strength, +10 dexterity, +8 technology. Swords have +12 points to be upgraded on any stats you choose.
Bio Blaster E: +4 on dexterity, +16 support. Guns have +8 additional points to be upgraded on any stats you choose.

This is just an example, I know the numbers will be quite high after combining all kinds of weapons. The point is that this makes all weapons unique, but doesn't kill their diversity since you can upgrade them with additional stat points wherever you want to.

Warmaker04 -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (1/1/2017 7:07:17)

Well every suggestion has pluses and minuses. I know there is more sense in implementing your suggestion. I was even going to suggest it at one point, but it would be easier for the devs to implement mine for various of reasons - simply because it would be a lot more easier for them to add an unique limit of upgrades to a stat than implementing fixed stats then making the limit of upgrades to these stats unlimited. Also one big problem is that your suggestion can even be considered a feature from a previous phase which is another reason why I didn't suggest it - because it has a very low chance of getting implemented (unless, of course the devs change their mind about adding features from previous phases but I highly doubt that). This is no longer up to the ones that are giving the suggestions but the devs. There is no point of suggesting something you know it won't be looked at, less likely implemented. Sad to say, but it is true. We are posting our suggestions here with the hope of them being actually implemented and when there is no way for a suggestion to be implemented then there is no point in suggesting it at all.

Stonehawk -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (1/2/2017 16:51:02)

The problem is that your suggestion is similar to a feature from previous phases, except that you have to buy the weapon and upgrade it afterwards. Devs would consider mixing features, mixing is not walking backwards, is looking to the past to improve the future adding things that might be interesting. Passives are interesting, for example, and they could come back without removing all the energy manipulation stuff that came with the end of it.

nowras -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (1/2/2017 17:05:22)

I don't think that passives would ever return however, they might bring a passive-like feature like the enhancements-like feature Aka ranks and ruin the game even further due to being biased or due to the lack of knowledge they have about their own game that comes from listening to non-top-class players.

Claiort -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (1/2/2017 18:20:18)

Your suggestion is very good, but I think it is better (in a matter of items) to go back as it was before, to have your own points, and the item to have level (requires that the person has the level that is in the item) so it is cooler for example : I'm going to buy a staff of 30,000 credits, but for what I'm going to buy it, if I can use the staff that wins when the game starts, why should I keep the same points as buying the staff of 30,000, I'm only going to pay 30,000 for the beauty of that staff, so it's not funny at all, it's boring! So this is my suggestion.

Stonehawk -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (1/2/2017 18:45:45)


Passives were just an example, because I've suggested it to come back like a peculiarity of each class (each class have its own passive, no need to put skill points in it) or even equippable cores on vehicles, since they are nearly worthless currently

But let's go back in-topic. I think it's a good idea to bring back unique stats to the weapons like it used to be mixed with the upgrading feature, just like it is now. Brings back unique weapons and keeps variety making its extra stats retrainable. How is this not a good idea? I'd love it and I doubt anyone would disagree.

Warmaker04 -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (1/4/2017 4:38:09)

Fixed stats + additional points is nearly equivalent to Fixed stats + enchant slots (except that all gear also had a custom amount of enchant slots and you had to buy them as well), but that doesn't matter now. At this point we do not care about perfection, but bringing some diversity back. We can never know what will happen if we don't try.
I think the limit of all unique stats together should be the number of upgrades and there should be no limit for the additional points.

A sword at lvl 40 requires 28 stat upgrades. That means the weapon can have unique stats such as :

28 dex (28)
14 dex, 14 tech (28)
9 dex, 19 tech (28)
8 str, 15 tech, 5 support (28)
4 str, 6 dex, 6 tech, 8 support -> (24 < 28)

But it cannot have stats such as :
26 dex, 14 tech -> (40 > 28)

+ the additional points, of course xD

aelife -> RE: Unique limit of upgrades to a certain stat of a weapon (1/11/2017 19:59:12)

If this idea were to be implemented, which i doubt it will be and if it is probably a while from now, i'd actually enjoy the game again.

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