Loftyz -> RE: =AQW= What do you want to see in 2017? (5/22/2017 10:08:57)
I want some 4 or 5-man bosses that are near-literally impossible, & where dying actually means "You died, so you can't rejoin this fight. No, you don't get to fight this boss with a rubbish 'no-potions' team composition and have everyone die/rejoin for 20 minutes until the boss dies". Reaper, with this kind of restriction on-death (and obviously, drops that can't just be obtained through the normal server) would be golden! Give end-game players some motivation to organise amongst themselves and min/max. A map like 'yulgars', but only accessible by max-level players. Would help with forming or finding parties for hardcore content (there are better options, but I don't know what's possible to do on the server, and this is a step in the right direction IMO, if people were to use the map). Proper buff icon display ( example ), instead of the massive text wall of "Magnitude, Shielded, *Resonance ends, Fire in Your Skin, Illuminated, *In The Spotlight ends, etc." If not, an option to turn all this nonsensical text off. Turning off other players (or your own) skill animations. Something for people who play on potatoes, or are not doing difficult content where they need to see all the buffs. Toggle displays for all Hero's name/guild on, off, and only my own Hero's name/guild off (and maybe an option to display their equipped Class only). And on the testing server, I am certain that in a party, every player can see the numbers for every damage/heal/DoT/HoT. I don't like this idea, and think it causes unnecessary lag from all the extra objects (damage numbers) on-screen. Maybe some people would want it on, so they can time their buffs with when they see an Infinity Knight's DoT or something like that, but I'd like an option to turn off all the damage numbers except my own, and the bosses damage against me.