RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (Full Version)

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el pardack -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (10/23/2017 2:44:43)

Damn, I still remember some of the names here. Good times guys, here's to y'all

Zorbak -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (10/25/2017 7:42:46)

My God, I haven't posted on here for a while...

I'm Wallo using the Zorbak account to post; have unfortunately forgotten my old password, so this will have to do now! Hopefully it'll be alright.

I started posting here in 2004 (on the OLD forums!) and then came here in around 2005 or so. I posted regularly until 2012 or so, when I needed to actually concentrate on my MA, which I proceeded to get. I teach at a certain university now, which I do rather enjoy. This place although nerdy I do look upon with fondness; it inspired a love for debate and discussion which I have now, and I can also make my fiancee laugh by showing her that I'm technically in a videogame. :p The OOC Forum was great back in the day, and some of the discussions (although occasionally dopey) were great fun. I made a fair few friends on here too who I still keep in contact with, even if we're all old and professional now. I do remember the Debate forum and attempting to keep that on track, but I seem to recall it didn't work amazingly well. Clans too, and I do admit I was overzealous in moderating there, but it seemed to work out alright.

It's sad to see this place decline a bit, but I suppose that would happen with the advent of Twitter, Facebook et al. I seem to remember I have a Twitter for Wallo somewhere which I haven't used in around 8 years, which I assume has been taken over by bots and whatnot now. I'm glad to see people have good memories of here though, as I certainly do.


Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (10/26/2017 21:24:24)

Been a while since I've seen both names!

It's changed a fair bit the OOC side of things, threw me off at first as I thought things were deleted. But looking at it again it's just had a reshuffle.

Corvus Corax -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (11/4/2017 5:43:16)

Dang Wallo... How on earth did you remember that old Zorbak login?

Zorbak -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (11/6/2017 7:12:20)

One of the things that sticks in the head, really. Hope you're doing well!

- Wallo

Helixi -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/14/2017 16:33:21)

I was an idiot when I posted regularly (joined in 2008, my last post was 2016) and I cringed reading some old ones (No, I won't tell you which ones). I remember my teenage goth self-being needlessly edgy and winding Eukuara up no end, to being an AK over on L&L for a short while. It's good to see so many old names I remember, even if we didn't get on when this place was active.

That being said, this forum/company helped a lot at a very depressing point in my life, so I am glad I found it. I wish you all the very best.

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/23/2017 20:01:38)

This thread is sweet. I spent waaaay too much time here when I was younger. Some of it good, some of it bad, most of it fun. But, honestly, I'm just done now and moved on to Twitter. If you're interested in catching up, my handle is @JayShams.

I think I went by a few different names here. LightningBlade, for a time, and also ElBeh.

darksampson -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/24/2017 1:21:22)

I have so many good memories on this forum and I'm still somewhat active at least on AQ GD and a little here on OOC...

The games here are coming to an end and unfortunately so are the communities... I remember when the forums were bursting with activity, weird places like Zorbak's Hideout and constant need for mods and people trying to be "helpful" to get titles or to be an AK. It's a little sad to think about the current state now. The people are still awesome though and I won't ever forget the experience here like someone paying for my guardianship and all of the great convos and friends I made on here.

Azzanadra -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/30/2018 17:54:47)


I have so many good memories on this forum and I'm still somewhat active at least on AQ GD and a little here on OOC...

The games here are coming to an end and unfortunately so are the communities... I remember when the forums were bursting with activity, weird places like Zorbak's Hideout and constant need for mods and people trying to be "helpful" to get titles or to be an AK. It's a little sad to think about the current state now. The people are still awesome though and I won't eve forget the experience here like someone paying for my guardianship and all of the great convos and friends I made on here.

What ever happened to the AE games anyways? It seems like updates are infrequent, and certainly numbers have gone down.

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/31/2018 14:50:36)

AQ is still Weekly, as is DF and AQW to my knowledge. ED is having wars and restocks still I think, MQ is no longer being updated.

Sad to see some come to an end though, they had a lot potential.

Puppy -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/1/2018 21:49:05)

Aww man.

FC -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/10/2018 10:17:05)

You tell me man. I was a snot nosed brat discovering the internet in 2007... Man time flies. Nice to see all these similar names, I never forgot you guys.

Fahniks -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/11/2018 15:12:52)

Class of 2007 here, used to frequent Zorbak's Hideout back in the day (in fact, I remember doing a fanfic called Moglin Highlander which, thinking about it again... yikes). Stopped posting around the time I started high school and lurked infrequently since then. I actually occasionally kept up with AQ, even finally getting my char to 150 like 5-6 years ago. Now I'm a graduate student and I suddenly feel a mix of nostalgia and deep sadness looking at the forums again. For me, this definitely was one of the few places on the Internet back then to talk to new people before Twitter and Reddit really blew up. I don't have any particular memories of the forums but I do remember that it was a fun and lively place to be. I admit I was not close to anyone here though, but I do remember a few names. Anyways, hope everyone who posted back in the day is doing well.

drDOT -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/14/2018 7:21:39)

Heh, my profile shows 09, but if you count my other two(or three?) accounts from before, I'm here since 08.
Man I remember when Scakk slapped my head backward when they realized I got a Helpful! title but I had actually been a stupid kid back when I started this account.

It's so nostalgic to look around here.
I miss the old art forum. DAaS anyone?

I really wonder what my boys are doing nowadays. I see Zyrain and PyroPuppy are still around, but I still miss ts1, Avery, smalls, and all the rest that I still praise for being a part of me growing up and learning English better. : )

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/14/2018 15:39:17)

Good grief DOT. Do you need dusting off? Get those cobwebs away!

Glad to see many returning faces. Nostalgia is a great thing!

FC -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/17/2018 2:43:47)

It actually made my heart jump with joy, when I saw so many topics in the OOC room. I now realize that those are dead threads, left over from merging(?). I now realize that these forums are truly dead, not to be resurrected again, and with that realization I guess I will bury a small part of me along with the forums.
It has truly been an honor and a blast.

Abiogenist -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/18/2018 10:32:42)

I'm class 2005! Whew, that's more than a decade. Now I'm considered an old millennial. Hahaha.

Isis -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/28/2018 1:43:56)

Oh, Out of Context Forum, how you continue to deliver. This thread describes all I do here! [:D]

Hello fellow passengers on the S.S Nostalgia!

Once upon a time - a time many have sworn testament to - these still and tepid waters boiled with a tempestuous, magnetic energy. In 2010, I approached the edge, an eager neophyte, and dove straight in!

Jumping on the Share-Wagon:

I made my little online home yonder, on the Role Play Boards. Initially, my visits were purely for DragonFable research before discovering a wondrous hub of roleplayers nestled at the foot of the index page. That (and an oddly versed fortune cookie ticket) motivated me to create an account. What kept me coming back the following years was a community of genuinely kind, funny and decent folk who also enjoyed embarking on unique adventures beyond the pixel-world. The concept of "spare time" now is darn near blasphemous, but back when I had some, I also enjoyed getting lost in the Legends & Lore section, where I once attempted that awesome Books challenge (then one-hit killed the promising project with an Absence to the gut), and occasionally followed the tracks this way.

As well as the great people around and general atmosphere hazed over by youth, I miss those days for the fact that they were simpler. Social media was still in pathogenesis, so you could go a week not knowing the contents of a friend's closet or bowels without suffering sudden onset existential dread. If you were part of the fortunate few, you were amongst the colourful culture here in the good ol' OoC, cultivating merriment and fancy, breaking bread over topics that don't fit anywhere else (sometimes because they're insane) and making the AK's want to break keyboards over their heads as they lament everything.

Only in the last few days have I made a serious attempt at getting back into the Artix Games, a venture that carries with it an undeniably bittersweet yearning to peek into the Battleon Forums. My post before this one was dated four years ago, although that isn't the last time I've laid eyes here. What is contributing to this slow descent into dormancy (I refuse to admit "demise"), in my opinion, is a combination of interest v.s function relating to the current generation(s, however you break them up). People from the same age groups we were in when our AEF lives began have all the effort removed from the process of locating groups to interact with. As far as my experiences online have gone, however, there is always, always, always a desire for congregating and sharing media based on a similar interest, and so I am deeply appreciative of modern ventures undertaken to expand the reach of BattleOn through various new game platforms. There is every possibility that the newer mobile and 3D games will cause gamers to come seeking answers or communities here. Call me hopelessly optimistic but that gives room to hope that these parts will once again flourish. What that looks like will be different from what we've had, but it's something worth investing time in, in whatever measure can be afforded.

Ugh, ever the blabbernaught, I've let post become overgrown (old habits) and so should end it. Heh.

Whether we've formed fond memories in the past, given a nod in the other's general direction, or have not yet had the pleasure of greeting one another, I send you my kind regards and sincere thanks for keeping the magic in this place alive through your memories and present day postings.

Stay well and keep Battling On!

Watashig -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/12/2018 17:58:00)

Whoa! I was feeling nostalgic and came here today, and surprise! I run into this thread!

It's a pleasant feeling to see all of these people come back and say hi, but on the other hand, there's quite a scary thought: does anyone still remember me? It's terrifying to think about being forgotten...

I don't mean to be fishing for responses, but I hope y'all are doing well! I wonder if there are any discords around for people to catch up with each other.

Buzz -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/14/2018 22:40:01)

Wasn't much one for posting myself, but I remember a lot of your names from lurking way back when. Nice to see you folks again. [:)]

Glais -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/24/2018 17:33:28)

Too many familiar faces.

I miss this place so much.

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/25/2018 12:26:27)

Oh hello Glais, long time no see!

Glais -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/25/2018 23:41:13)

Been way too long.
Nostalgia's had me checking here pretty frequently though, hope you're doing well.

Lego3400 -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (4/4/2018 4:23:08)

Oh geez. Reading all the responses to this is really a blast from the past. "Names" I'd never thought I'd hear again, some I thought I had forgotten... This place used to be such a big part of my life. Then I got bored. Then I only stuck around for the forum and IRC and then just IRC. Then the RP slowed down as Falarin got busy and and I kinda drifted away, found new places, drifted away from them too in fact.

Xplayer -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (4/4/2018 8:10:22)


It's a pleasant feeling to see all of these people come back and say hi, but on the other hand, there's quite a scary thought: does anyone still remember me? It's terrifying to think about being forgotten...

I remember you! This community was so small that even at its peak I think most of the regular members were at least familiar with each other.


I wonder if there are any discords around for people to catch up with each other.

I know toidiedud made a Discord that some old time OOC people frequent. You can try @ing him for an invite.

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