Need Content (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [AdventureQuest 3D] >> AdventureQuest 3D General Discussion


Aidok -> Need Content (1/26/2017 11:02:39)

I hit 15 and got all 3 gear sets in 2 weeks. All i have left to do is farm gold and help people occasionally. This is usually the time I would spend playing pvp matches in games. Will there be new content coming soon? I fear I may lose interest. If we had more in depth skill customization and pvp I could fill my time with that.

Also I was wondering if the creaters or devs of this game frequent this forum, it seems mostly dead. I check forums every day and only a couple of posts are made, sometimes days with nothing new.

eliminatorr -> RE: Need Content (1/26/2017 14:33:22)

Well the game is still being developed and they are doing what they can. It all depends upon testing and having the necessary art and then waiting for the new update to be approved. PvP is a on the list of features to add and has been for a while, and it looks like classes might have an overhaul for more customisation with new effects. That being said, Ashfall (Which should also include Dragonslayer) is coming very soon

I would assume that the Devs go on here and look through because it was said by a staff member on the AQW forums that while they might not post, they read everything, so they likely comb through here. It's just less active due to less content to talk about. If you do want to raise a point that is really likely to be seen, go to the Design Notes for AQ3D

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