Strike Animations (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Ascending -> Strike Animations (1/27/2017 11:06:50)

The old strike animations where you toss your weapon into the air, catch it and hit them was so epic, along with the other animations. I would like to see them back because now there is only 1 strike animation, this isn't really a game changer just something fun to see as we don't like seeing the same strike animation every time we strike. as I said before it's boring to keep seeing the same animation over and over as it is now :)

Mother1 -> RE: Strike Animations (1/27/2017 11:18:31)

I can support this as well. I also remember the older strike animation where you ran up to your opponent jumped into the air and came down to strike and I thought it was cool as well. While I understand why they removed it I still wish they would have left this and the older animations in game.

Ascending -> RE: Strike Animations (1/27/2017 11:27:18)

why did they remove it? :)

Xendran -> RE: Strike Animations (1/27/2017 12:15:06)

They felt the animation was too long.

Ascending -> RE: Strike Animations (1/27/2017 13:00:24)

It was more fun, i dont really like only 1 animation

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