RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (Full Version)

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Digital X -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/2/2017 20:51:35)

Yeah she had double bunker I know that. Bunker builds were amazing.

Stonehawk -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/3/2017 7:36:25)

I wish the servers instead of Epic and Exile were Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Omega, so we could choose which phase to play, lol. I'd start from lvl 1 on Beta or Delta server just because of the lost features that were the ones I liked the most, like passives and weapons with unique stats. I always loved to invent new builds and stuff but unfortunately there isn't much room for that in the current phase.

But back to the Mercenaries' discussion, Mjolnir that was the highest tech club, wasn't it? I don't remember the stats of Charfade's Club but it was seen a lot too, iirc...

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/3/2017 11:49:09)

Mjolnir was +22 support making the aux multi build incredibly powerful at the cost of no strike damage because it was so far under the level cap.

The tech spam weapon was Caden's wrath for mages that gave +28 tech at the cost of -5 Dex until that feature was removed and again had no strike ability due to it being level 28 and really the only viable staff until the cap was 32

8x -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/3/2017 12:40:38)

^IMO, Dark Heart was also pretty decent. +10 dex and tech, -5 str, +25 dmg, level 27

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/3/2017 15:29:42)

I know I've talked with NW about it in the past and I know why it was done but I think keeping negative stat modifiers on high level weapons would have helped curve the excessive number of stats we had at the cap

TankMage -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/4/2017 20:31:05)

Most definitely when the Faction competitive scene was at its peak. It gave such a great vibe, admittedly not everyone was overly friendly to each other but it was an amazing environment which made it really fun to get on everyday.

Bionic Bear -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/4/2017 21:17:13)

I had a lot of good times playing this game, back in the day. I remember the first merc I made, after playing as a hopeless TM, and finally figuring out how to be somewhat good. I got a 160-13 win/loss record in 1v1. Those were good times.
There were also some rough parts, to be sure - retraining endlessly and paying 500 credits for each one, trying to beat new boss Dravax at level 25 with no idea on how to do it, eventually rage-quitting that ill-made TM and going full-time to the merc. Buying my first varium package, being giddy with excitement, and instantly changing class to TLM.
Been a long time since then. Joining a faction by the name of T N T years ago, and then doing 1v1s like mad to capture that one Wasteland flag; finally capturing it and being proud of my faction flag being there for all to see. That competitive spirit was probably my favorite moment. The whole faction was going hard to pump tokens into that one flag, and then when we finally got it? It was a worthy reward for all that hard work.
Good times...

doomkiller98 -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/14/2017 0:53:02)

Hello everyone, very long time no talk. Sad to see development is over with. Epicduel was really my favorite game and was basically my childhood. Heal looping Tech mages for the win!

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/15/2017 6:44:49)

Everything already mentioned.

Anyway... hate to be the whiner, but i hope Dev's regret this decision for the rest of their lives, literally!

I would, if i realized i just throw away a potential diamond... or whatever is rare these days...

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/15/2017 10:05:22)

I don't think they are regretting anything. They worked on a game for seven to ten years depending on when they joined the team. They are also working on technology that is archaic when it comes to game design. Both of these things lead to burn out which in turn makes you hate your work.

Currently the team is all still employed by AE so once AQ3D is in a stable place they may get the okay to return to their own projects. If not they are at the very least fixing some of the core issues with AQ3D like thinking about what gameplay will exist in the game because if your core gameplay loop is bad no one is going to play your game. And if you go and read the steam reviews for AQ3D there are a lot of them saying just keep an eye on the game because the gameplay just isn't there yet.

Not to plug my own content but this is stuff Korin, Charfade, and I do talk about on the Friday streams and not to plug Korin's content but he also talks about this stuff in his animation streams which should be returning soon just follow him on Twitter for more details on both of those.

8x -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/15/2017 12:32:23)

Even at its peak I'd never think of ED as a potential diamond/gold mine. It has always been that one tiny game that I play and none of my real-life friends or acquaintances have ever heard of it.

GoldenNeo -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/16/2017 10:40:30)

^I feel the same way lol. I would even feel embarrassed if they would catch me playing ED

Gold Shock -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/16/2017 13:12:47)

- The balance from back then. So much variety, I wish that I could go back in time and relive the glory days. It's all +5 focus now. The build that was developed to counter all builds is the only build left in this game.

- When Founder armor meant something. But these days being Founder in the game doesn't mean anything anymore. The Beta Tester Weapons are useless, and Founders don't get any special boosts in battle like Founder cores or permanent stats upgrades. Founders and Beta Testers don't really have any reason to look any better or stronger than people who just started... Give elites an elite armor and give founders a new advanced founder armor through a special shop only able to be opened by elites/founders.

- Back when battles were enjoyable, now it just a pure pain in the spine. A good fight is a fight that you enjoyed, whether you won or lost, an intense fight, a fight that a player goes head to head with the person he looks up to in the game. All the smart and creative players have left. There are no more role-models in this game. A reoccurring theme for me has been before the fight even starts, I am already pissed off.

- The 3 real-life sisters Shadronica, Shadist, Shadanae

- When win/loss records were still in the game. Now? Now i have no reason to play this game aside from my faction. My faction is the only thing keeping me checking up on ED daily. There isn't much reward that my faction gets from winning dailies, and WDs aside from pride.

- This could just be me, but when the game had a more older demographic. Back than, I think the players of Epic Duel were more suited for a more mature theme and concept. Also, there were many adult-orientated factions, Renegade Masters & BkoC.

- When you weren't able to class change. It gave the community a more hands on class vs class feel and made them use what they had to the best of their ability instead of switching to the more popular class of the time making the game not quite as interesting.

- When the THREE STAR AND A SUN faction was in it's prime and the epitome of EpicDuel Factions. Regardless of some poor choices V3gitlX made with the dummying, not all players in the faction used it. TSAAS invented NPC farming, they made Oz world 8 as their HQ and hangout spot & triggered everyone into going there. I think they also gave dev's some ideas regarding HQ's. To this day a few remnants of the faction still float around: Alley Cat & RKC for example.

- When I found the TSAAS knock off faction.

- When the faction "Faith" won 2v2 19 days in a row.

sippingcider -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/16/2017 21:26:16)


- The 3 real-life sisters Shadronica, Shadist, Shadanae

Oh cool I didn't know this. How did you find out, and do they still play?

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/17/2017 0:33:47)

To know someone's/something's value, you need to know about a lot of other things.

Gold Shock -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (2/17/2017 8:59:52)


I found out from Elf Priest JZaanu. I have none of them on my buddy list, but I was in what I believe to have been Shadanae's 2v2 faction "Undaground soljaz" in beta. In the picture Sharonica name changed to Shadanae. It's a safe bet that none of them log anymore.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (3/19/2017 5:27:16)

So when's the next update? [:D]

Satafou -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (3/19/2017 14:28:40)


Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= Favorite Moments (3/19/2017 16:02:16)

@SouL Prisoner

When the game gets shut down

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