What is Delta V, really? (Full Version)

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sippingcider -> What is Delta V, really? (2/4/2017 14:40:54)

I think it is a virtual reality world! Here is why:

1.) It would explain how we can kill each other over and over, always ready for another fight after our death. Our characters are just avatars that respawn after they die.

2.) People with body problems are more likely to spend time in a virtual reality. The mysterious man says, "I have heard so much about the planet I loved since my body failed".

3.) There is an all powerful AI core. This is what runs the virtual reality of Delta V. The M4tr1x is proof of this, as not only is she level 100 but also is quoted saying, "I am M4tr1x, a sentient program created to serve the AI."

4.) It is often mentioned that you are not from Delta V, that we are just visitors. The mysterious man says in his first quest, "You're from my planet, aren't you?".

5.) It would be pretty cool if it was a virtual reality world.

Lord Machaar -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/4/2017 14:53:17)


Optimise -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/4/2017 14:53:50)

Thanks for your "replys"

Variation -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/4/2017 15:09:47)

Yes his body failed and Matrix's core isn't good enough to repair it.

sippingcider -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/4/2017 16:14:21)


Thanks for your "replys"



Yes his body failed and Matrix's core isn't good enough to repair it.

Ohh your saying the M4tr1x was going to repair his body? I don't know about that, but it sounds interesting.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/4/2017 16:50:32)

The mysterious man is Baelius leader of the legion. We didn't even try to hide that fact because we knew when we were making the heart breaker saga we'd never get to finish the story line. All of his lines referencing a planet are about Delta V as we have traveled from Delta V to the afterworld.

The M4tr1x is in charge of the legion guards which as we found out in BioBeasts are actually mass produced police robots with the shadow guard being actual humans, shout out to shadow guard Mike may we never give you a second quest,. The M4tr1x also controls all the things like the Junkers and the now defunct technology in the mine town because yet more robots.

sippingcider -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/4/2017 17:34:16)


The mysterious man is Baelius leader of the legion. We didn't even try to hide that fact because we knew when we were making the heart breaker saga we'd never get to finish the story line. All of his lines referencing a planet are about Delta V as we have traveled from Delta V to the afterworld.

Ohhh that would explain why he says, "However, even in the chaos, there is an order to everything, isn't there?"
. Legion is obsessed with order. So does this mean Baelius is dead and legion troops are just following a dead mans orders?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/4/2017 18:42:52)

Yes he is very dead and has been dead for the longest time. Story wise only two people were aware of this fact, Oz and Caden the two people who lived through the fight in Baelius' throne room

Claiort -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/8/2017 14:38:45)

Best game story is that of Epic Duel, should have a book of that game

sippingcider -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/8/2017 14:48:14)


Best game story is that of Epic Duel, should have a book of that game

Yes. Devs please do this before you kill the servers.

What I don't understand is how Oz is only level 7 when in the story he sounds much more....epic

Satafou -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/8/2017 14:50:32)

His level is just a number, his majestic bullets of justice sever any evil beings in his path...

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/8/2017 18:22:15)

I'll talk to NW about adding some of the unreleased story to the wiki but almost all of it can be found right on the forums


Dual Thrusters -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/8/2017 21:00:57)

@sipping cider

Well since Oz is also Exile Leader, that technically makes him the strongest exile fighter in the game.

8x -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/9/2017 3:44:10)

Everything from that thread is already on the wiki. http://epicduelwiki.com/w/The_Storyline

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/9/2017 6:51:01)

@8x we still have the notes and some other content from BigTuna that we never released because they were being used to guide the story for future updates. It definitely adds some light to some stuff that has been brought up in this thread but never in any official story means.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: What is Delta V, really? (2/15/2017 6:48:41)


Devs please do this before you kill the servers.

Nobody said they're "killing" the server. Just no updates. Ya... like we had many of those before... puff.

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