Carandor -> RE: Dracarys (2/14/2017 8:25:33)
[img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Dracarys Z «Wind spell. Mastercraft; deals increased damage if you have enough MurderKillosity.» Location: Spell Gift Box Z '16 Element: Wind Type GZ GZ GZ GZ
Level 22 55 100 140
PowLvl 54 MC 73 MC 113 MC 153 MC
MPLvl 46 68 109 149
Price 580 1330 3160 5770
S <48h 522 1197 2844 5193
>48h 145 332 790 1442
MPCost 169 249 427 636 Hits: 2 Type: Magic Element: Wind Damage 24-70 33-100 59-175 90-269
Stat% 228 291 423 555
BTH 13 18 28 38 EFFECT Casting the spell gives you +20% MurderKillosity*. When you cast the spell, if you have at least 50% MurderKillosity, you use that much to increase the spells damage by +12.5%** **You gain some MurderKillosity! Current MK:«»% (Max:2000%)* **The spell consumes some MurderKillosity to deal bonus damage! *NOTE: This is currently bugged. There is no max MurderKillosity. DESCRIPTION The perfect spell for a Game of MurderKill! Call a Dragon that will give some MurderKillosity after it attacks! If you already have some MurderKillosity when casting this spell, it will consume some of it to deal much greater damage! [img][/img] Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Kamui. Effect thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Description thanks to Immortal God. Image and popups thanks to Kay Oh. Analysis Starts off as a standard spell: Level 22 55 100 140
PowLvl 54 73 113 153
Damage 47-139 66-199 117-350 179-537
Stat% 456.4 581.8 845.8 1109.8
BTH 13 18 28 38 With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage. This has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers. Updates January 7, 2017: The spell was released and became rare. June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were: Level 22 55 100 140
Price 944 2612 9056 13612
S <48h 850 2351 8150 12251
>48h 472 1306 4528 6806