Cure Scratches (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Cure Scratches (2/17/2017 7:51:54)

Cure Scratches

«Healing spell. Costs MP.»

Also see:Location: Warlic's Beginner Magic Shop
Element: Neutral
Level	40
PowLvl	40
MPLvl	40

Price	279
Sell	139

MPCost	150
Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: Heal
Damage	26-77
Stat%	278.46
BTH	Auto
Bathe yourself in a nice yellow glow of healing magec. (Heals more than 34 hit points).


Numbers and correction thanks to In Media Res. Write up and image thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


Starts off as a standard healing spell:
Level	40
PowLvl	40

Damage	34-101
Stat%	364
BTH	10
The spell heals your HP by *0.85*0.9 damage due to Auto-Hit and always useful.

All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


June 19, 2014: The spell was released.

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