xelessarx -> RE: =MTAK= When you Wish Upon a Star (3/3/2017 12:15:26)
Here comes muh pointless questions! Questions are silly but never pointless! Especially when I'm always armed with a sword or two... First, Congratulations on being our new ArchKnight Star :3 Hope you have fun :) Thank you very much! I hope so too! Soooo.... Lets assume that you are a dragon of Lore. Can do. Gryffins are a *bit* smaller than dragons, but we know the skies just as well. Which type of a dragon would you be? (Element, Wing style, Tail style, Habitat etc.) Hm... probably Light element, one that would live in the high mountains near to the stars. With a slim and aerodynamic build, and gracefully sweeping wings. Which town would you destroy first and why? (And yes, we are assuming that you are an evil dragon. (Or ebil)) Awww, I have to be evil? Hm... Probably DragonsGrasp. It'd wipe out a lot of threats (DragonLords), and it'd be awesome to have a floating, movable lair. Which moglin would you eat as your dessert? Twig. They'd taste like ice cream. If someone was to ride you in a battle, which NPC would it be, why? (Hero not included ofc) I would not lower myself in Dragonly pride to bear a rider. What would be the most precious piece from your treasure? Gemstones! Likely opals, if I could get my claws on any Which dragon would be your biggest rival and why? Probably Gorgok, that dragon smells bad. If you had the chance to fuse two of the elements, which elements would these be? And what would be the result? Light and Silver. It would form a "celestial" element, similar to the power of the stars themselves. Which NPC's story/backstory would you like to be expanded most? I'd like to learn more about Zhoom one day, and the history of the sand elves in general! We got a bit with book 3 Sek Duat, though! Which saga did you like the least and why? The Kathool saga. Psychological horror isn't my thing, even in mild forms. What would you like to see most in the end of the book 3? Peace. The Rose needs to know irradicating all magic won't work, and magic users need to understand that magic itself needs to be governed better. I'd like to see both sides working together towards the good of lore (assuming they can agree on what that is!)