Vypie -> RE: Can someone explain how damage works? (3/20/2017 16:01:47)
If its anything like "World of Warcraft", then the Defense stat is actually a "Defense Rating". It may show you a number, but its being converted into a percentage. But there's a thing: The more you grow in percentage, the more effective each 1% increase is, exponentially. Imagine it like this: Lets say 100 defense points =10% damage resistance. You have 500 defense, equaling 50% resistance, right? Enemies take double the time to kill you. Now, add another 250 defense, and you get a total of 75% damage resistance. Suddenly, for simply extra 250 points(half of what you had), the time it takes for enemies to kill you DOUBLES again. Increase the total to 900 points/90% resistance, and enemies take 10 times more to kill you compared to if you had ZERO defense. Increase it to 950 points, and enemies take 20 times more to kill you. FOR JUST +50 POINTS. See where this is going? If it is RAW numbers, it's unbalanced. If its a RAW percentage, it goes crazy too. To counter this exponential increase in effectiveness, they make it so the more defense you add, the harder it is to increase the percentage, so you could never reach 100%. This makes the defense stat grow linearly in effectiveness, like the attack/health/mana already do. So regardless of how high your defense is, even the lowest level enemies will still deal some damage to you.