Vypie -> RE: Being able to dodge your heal NEEDS. TO. GO. (5/4/2017 12:38:17)
Maybe it's lack of implementation, but I'm pretty sure dodging healing is not intended to be a thing. As for the healing strike... perhaps they intend it to be some sort of health-steal. If you do not hit the enemy, no health is absorbed. This seems to be intentional because the health recovered is completely tied to the amount of damage you deal. A high-attack build will make you recover higher amounts of health. Maybe the downside from dodging is balanced out by the ability to benefit from Criticals too. But as intended as it might be, it is NOT a good design. This would be EASILY solved by making the finishing moves have no cooldown, so you could just try again. That way Dodging is a less frustrating nuisance because it only delays you a bit. Another thing, abilities in general: Its a real frustrating thing to have combos broken by a single miss right? Specially Rogue class. Sure, you can just put more Hit% on your character to prevent it, but then other types of builds that focus more on different stats may feel less fun to play. Did you know that in 'World of Warcraft', abilities have a smaller change to miss in comparison to auto-attacks? If you have enough Hit%, they will never fail no matter what. That way It requires you to at least have a minimal amount of Hit%, but it still allows for build customization. This could be a solution, even if I'm not 100% fond of it.