Legion you want to win the war? (Full Version)

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hello there -> Legion you want to win the war? (5/6/2017 14:25:24)

Play juggernaut since their free wins with almost 0% chance of winning, the battles arent that much ,longer with the right builds almost guarenteed bombs with war commander

Juggernaut being completely broken may be legions only hope of finally winning a war , After we've been massacred in all recent wars.

Mother1 -> RE: Legion you want to win the war? (5/6/2017 20:31:51)

Legion players are already playing juggernaut however, from what I see in game. However, even with this they have several factors against them. One thing for example is when the rallies are spit out most legion players aren't even in the game. Not to mention seeing as Exile has complete control over their damage (seeing as Defense has power of what Offense can do) unless exile screws up legion for the remaining part of the war will not outdamage exile and with the exile outnumber legion players as well as them missing a lot of rallies It will take a miracle for Legion to win a war.

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