StarSaviour (Full Version)

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Carandor -> StarSaviour (5/15/2017 10:48:28)


«Fully-Defensive Energy armour. Mastercraft; has increased Ranged Defence.»

Location: Void Takeover (Part 8)
Element: Energy
Type								|  G
Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	|  150
PowLvl	15 MC	35 MC	55 MC	75 MC	95 MC	115 MC	135 MC	|  153 MC

Price	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016|  48410333
Sell	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059008	|  24205166
Melee	31	35	39	42	46	49	52	|  55
Ranged	37	41	45	48	52	55	58	|  61
Magic	31	35	39	42	46	49	52	|  55
Fire	99	98	95	95	95	95	92	|  91
Water	115	110	110	110	105	105	105	|  100
Wind	99	98	95	95	95	95	92	|  91
Ice	99	98	95	95	95	95	92	|  91
Earth 	99	98	95	95	95	95	92	|  91
Energy	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	|  39
Light 	110	100	100	100	100	100	100	|  100
Dark	98	89	73	69	67	61	53	|  50
Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
1st Hit
BR%	45.65	64.54	83.43	102.31	121.2	140.09	158.98	|  175.98
Stat%	62.65	104.2	145.76	187.31	228.87	270.43	311.98	|  349.38
BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	21	|  24

2nd and 3rd Hits
BR%	48.33	68.33	88.33	108.33	128.33	148.33	168.33	|  186.33
Stat%	66.33	110.33	154.33	198.33	242.33	286.33	330.33	|  369.93
BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	|  19
Rate: 33%

Hits: 4
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	45.65	64.54	83.43	102.31	121.2	140.09	158.98	|  175.98
LS%	62.65	104.2	145.76	187.31	228.87	270.43	311.98	|  349.38
BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	21	|  24
Rate: 33%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	45.65	64.54	83.43	102.31	121.2	140.09	158.98	|  175.98
LS%	62.65	104.2	145.76	187.31	228.87	270.43	311.98	|  349.38
BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	21	|  24
Rate: 33%

  • You receive Armour Lean x0.8.
  • Gains +6 Ranged Defence as a Mastercraft Bonus. (Already factored in)

  • The colour of this armour is based on the colour of your No-Drop armour.
  • The colour of the weapon is based on the element of your equipped weapon.

    These Energy-resisting robes are suited to one embodying Light, making it more difficult for the wearer's opponent to aim with Ranged attacks.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image and description thanks to weatherseed.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	|  150
    PowLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	|  153
    BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	|  559
    Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	|  1109.8
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	|  19
    ATTACK #1: 1st Hit gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage. 2nd and 3rd hits have no BTH lean. With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.
    ATTACK #2: Deals a total of *(4/3) damage. Gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage. With four equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/4 damage.
    ATTACK #3: Deals a total of *(2/3) damage. Gains + 5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage. With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    May 5, 2016: The armour was released.
    June 17, 2016: The armour became rare.

    This is a seasonal rare. After becoming rare it has returned on:
  • May 4, 2017

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