ZardAde (Full Version)

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Carandor -> ZardAde (5/17/2017 18:40:46)


«Misc. Defends against whichever element the monster attacks with and increases your STR.»

Location: Blarney War '16 - LepreZards, Past Blarney Rewards
Element: Neutral
Type								G
Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Price	11	41	279	2201	17696	142617	1149775	5501175
Sell	5	20	139	1100	8848	71308	574887	2750587
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • After being hit with an attack, the misc sets itself to that element*. All later attacks of that element are multiplied by the listed amount. The set element remains until the player is hit by another element, but can shift only once per turn.
    STR	+12	+24	+24	+28	+28	+32	+36	+40
    Mult	0.88	0.76	0.72	0.72	0.68	0.68	0.64	0.6
    SPCost	23	44	50	53	58	60	67	75
    *The ZardAde has adapted to «Element»!

    EbilCorp-brand Zardade - full of the carbohydrates, electrolytes, and Primordial Zardium that an athlete needs to recharge their energy! Do you have it in you?


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Kamui. Image and description thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


    March 26, 2016: The pet was released.
    April 7, 2016: the pet became rare.

    This is a seasonal rare. After becoming rare it has returned on:
  • March 16, 2017

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