alchim -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/12/2017 16:49:33)
Trading Away: 1.2 Billion worth of items Any Rare or UR Giftbox Sets: 2016 Frostval Giftbox Set (Long Talon, Stout Talon, Dire Wolf) Windter Set 2016 Frostval War Set (Cozy Spear, Sweater Dragon Mount, Cozy Farzhad Mogloo, Cozy Fire Orb, Cozy Goblin) The Sweater Set 2015 Frostval Giftbox Set (Big Dictionary, Fat & Tacky Santa, Accordion Shield, Amish Hat, Psychodelic Dinosaur) Weird Al Set 2015 Frostval War Set (Fruitcake Berserker, Fruitcake Wreath and Fruitcake Zard) Fruitcake Set 2014 Frostval Giftbox Set (Pixel Hero, Pixel Guard, Pixel Stalker) Pixel Set 2014 Frostval War Set ( Angelic Robes, Harp, Angelic Light, Angel Bells, Snow Angel) Angel Set Weapons: Moglin Sword Gilded Dread Scythe Galaxythe Clockwork Scythe Ultimate Dragonlord Scythe Kaminari no Hoshitsurugi Armours: Pyromancer Bloodmage Nulgath Shields: Gemini Spells: Call Death Flair Pets & Misc: Dangerously Adorable Cabbit Vampoglin Lord Keyote Baby Salamancer G Teenage Ninja Fly Turtles (Bach) Discount Mogloween Bag Looking for: Ice Cometfall Hydromancer Bloodblade Witch Waster Guantlet of Xano Irony Man Shield Krenos Essence Katana Black Friday Katana I can do at least 2 items for one of the ones im looking for (depending on what you ask).