Shadow Templar (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Shadow Templar (6/15/2017 11:32:53)

Shadow Templar

«Fully Offensive Light/Darkness armour. Mastercraft; can deal more damage by spending some MP.»

Location: Conjure Shadow
Element: Neutral
Type		|  Z	  Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	|  G	  G
Level	44	|  10	  35	60	85	110	135	143	|  70	  117
PowLvl	44 MC	|  44 MC  57 MC	73 MC	95 MC	120 MC	145 MC	153 MC	|  73 MC  120 MC
MPLvl	44	|  35	  51	69	92	117	142	150	|  72	  119

MPCost	33	|  27	  37	51	70	93	119	128	|  53	  95
Melee	32	|  32	  35	37	41	45	49	51	|  37	  45
Ranged	32	|  32	  35	37	41	45	49	51	|  37	  45
Magic	37	|  37	  39	42	46	50	54	55	|  42	  50
Fire	90	|  90	  88	88	87	87	86	86	|  88	  87
Water	90	|  90	  88	88	87	87	86	86	|  88	  87
Wind	90	|  90	  88	88	87	87	86	86	|  88	  87
Ice	90	|  90	  88	88	87	87	86	86	|  88	  87
Earth 	90	|  90	  88	88	87	87	86	86	|  88	  87
Energy	90	|  90	  88	88	87	87	86	86	|  88	  87
Light 	78	|  78	  71	64	56	49	42	40	|  49	  49
Dark	78	|  78	  71	64	56	49	42	40	|  49	  49
Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	232	|  232	  271	319	385	460	535	559	|  319	  460
Stat%	390.4	|  390.4  476.2	581.8	727	892	1057	1109.8	|  581.8  892
BTH	5	|  5	  7	9	11	15	18	19	|  9	  15
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.25.
  • While worn, all normal player attacks, weapon specials, and spells do +25% damage. Magic weapons get *4/3 this boost, and spells get *1/2 this boost. You need to pay the listed amount of MP at the beginning of your turn. If you don't, then the armour unequips and you re-equip your no-drop armour.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to weatherseed. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Additional thanks to Kalle29.


    May 21, 2016: The armour was released.
    June 30, 2017: The armour became rare.

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