Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (Full Version)

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oishii -> Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/15/2017 14:03:33)

New update is about to go live! Check out the details from the Patch Notes here:

Vypie -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/15/2017 15:11:53)

I'm very happy for these changes!
SO many tweaks and improvements! :D

I would like to make a suggestion: 'HASTE' could also speed up the auto-attacks.
Think of it as a general speed boost to ALL your character's actions (minus movement speed).

As a reference, World of Warcraft does it. Haste helps with cast time, auto attacks, and also global cooldown to a degree.
They include auto-attacks because it makes it an equally appealing stat regardless of any class, making it more balanced. Otherwise some classes will benefit much more than others.

I think making your character noticeably speedier would feel great too. Haste was always my favorite stat, no matter what game. I just love being able to focus on attack-speed. :D

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/15/2017 15:33:46)

oh nice update. The health and mana bar now looks more fancy with the sharper colors :P
For the next update I wish to see a new chracter page ^^

Also, I'd love to see the NPC's to have permanent quests for us to do. Some NPC's have the quest option, but offers no quests. I kind of find that as a wasted oppertunity. Why not add a fun little quest to fill it up with. It doesn't have to be a massive reward or anything super hard. Just something to do when we're bored ^^ It could also be updated once in a while or switch randomly as we complete them.


*Nova* -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/15/2017 17:07:50)

Can you make the inventory and potions menus drag-able or not make it cover half of the screen. I noticed that the stats menu has now adopted the whole covering half my screen too.

I think us players are looking for combat improvements. While rebalancing is good too, the groundworks of the combat itself is too shallow and is in need of major revamp. Onto the balance that was done, for the first few moments of combat, I'm realizing how little damage I'm actually dealing and how little health I'm actually healing yet my mana bar is almost always immediately full now. I guess it's welcoming to see that we cannot solo bosses anymore even if it makes my Guardian Class less useful, I'm glad to see changes in that. HP and MP bars are now flashy-ier and are more interactive. These are all nice additions, of course. But I'm still waiting for those real game evolving elements being added to the game's combat. I've been waiting for some signs of that ever since they regrettably went into Open Beta without it. Guess I'll wait some more.

LoliFebri -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/16/2017 3:21:01)

I just saw the patch notes... It seems like there will be many things to change in my unofficial walkthrough

XeNON_54 -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/16/2017 9:03:47)

Wow a lot of my old items are basically useless to me now.

Thanks AE.

On the plus side though my Scale Slayer set isn't for cosmetics anymore.

orc orc orc -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/16/2017 10:46:34)

One thing to note is that mana regeneration has improved noticeably. And with the new stat system, hit rates seem to be higher, especially against high-level ones such as those in the Magma Mines dungeon which used to take advantage of level penalty, or at least used it more effectively. These changes have made classes like Rogue and Guardian especially better, on top of the buffs they received. It's nice to see that Rogue is a lot more viable in high-level areas (imo) as it used to have trouble maintaining its DoT stacks.

It's also worth noting that we take more damage now compared to the previous versions, but I personally think it promotes group play especially since we got a buffed DPS beast in Rogue and a improved tank in Guardian in exchange. However, I don't like that the sole tank class in the game is premium but I guess that's something that will be resolved in the future as new classes arrive. I find boss battles and high-level dungeons to be a bit less stale now, provided I can find a decent party to accompany with.

Personally, I find AoE farming with Warrior to be less effective now. With the decreased range coupled with the added squishiness, I found myself missing out on crucial kills and having fewer opportunities to use whirlwind since the health depletes quicker. That paired with the fact some monsters in farming hotspots such as Shadowskull tower are buffed have made farming in those areas harder now. I guess it's understandable why some are upset with the change.

Moreover, I feel that items are rather stagnant statwise which decreases the variety of builds. It is stated in the Patch notes however that item stats are still in need of further adjustments so I'm looking forward to future improvements.

I also agree with Nova that combat is nevertheless still shallow. The lack of skills, the resulting monotony, and the rather passive combat are among the issues with the game. I know the game's still in development, but as I have stressed many times, combat could have been focused on a lot more during stages like Alpha. Now it's nearing official launch.

Though these aren't really the combat improvements many of us had hoped for, I do appreciate the changes nonetheless. Of course, they're far from perfect and even have upsetted a number of players but personally, they're for the better in the long run. Once item stats, dungeons and monsters are better adjusted to the changes, I'm believe the new stats would work a lot better. I know this isn't exactly a popular opinion, but I like the increased emphasis on group play. After all, this is a MMO so we shouldn't be able to solo the entire game.

On a side note, I'm happy to see attempts to rebalance the level curve, especially the transition from Greenguard to Doomwood. One of the issues with AQ3D is its heavy grind and I do hope these changes tone down the monotony.

*Nova* -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/16/2017 12:57:13)

One other thing... about menus again. Can AE just... please not do that. It's mind-boggling to see them do it to the stats now. I fear that eventually by the release, we'll have every window cover up too much screentime.

Here's a proposition, if you HAVE to make the UI block the screen then... please at least... PUT it on the Left side. The Right side actually has things I want to look at, things I want to click, things I want to keep track of. I HATE how I can't check my inventory or my stats WHILE attacking. I guess I can still attack using the PC version of the game... Dang, the PC-version just keeps proving itself to be far superior to the mobile version once again.

PS: AE can also... you know, give more UI customization options. Like if I want to put my menu on the left, I can. If I want to make the menu smaller, I can. If I want to make my menu see-through, I can. But right now, I can't and it'll annoy not only me but other payers who HATE seeing too much UI on their screen.

Lordvladek97 -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/16/2017 14:39:58)

Love how they assure us that the player will be stronger after the changes, but I can't even solo Valek now with the best gear in the game at level 17.

They totally ruined mage. Mage is worse than warrior and rogue now. They should have left it alone and buffed the other classes to mage's level. WHY OH WHY???

Nice having warrior's first two skills buffed, but why on earth nerf the whirlwind??? Warrior is too squishy now to benefit much from whirlwind anyway, and then they add insult to injury and nerf the radius.

Rogue feels a little better, but not great.

Same for Guardian.

Combat bug still is a thing.

Being able to zoom with 2 fingers is great,but it is way too sensitive,and it keeps on resetting to either ALL THE WAY OUT or ALL THE WAY IN, which is aggravating

I can see how the new system they've implemented could be awesome, but as of right now gameplay has taken a significant downturn imo (and this is coming from a max player; can't imagine the difficulties of lower levels)

I feel weaker, not stronger, and this is infuriating! Make Mage Great Again, make our player less squishy, and fix the zoom on mobile!

Zyrain -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/16/2017 15:26:50)

I'd just like to remind everyone now that just because you don't like or agree with a change made to the game, that does not in any way allow you to become unconstructive and rude. That attitude doesn't help anyone. You're allowed to dislike something, of course -- but you need to be constructive. Your feedback can still be both useful and honest without being rude.

Please bare in mind that the game is still in Beta! There are going to be problems and issues which some people won't like, but that's because every update to the game made during this phase is still a learning curve: both for us as players, and the game staff as they shape and design the game.

The patch notes even state the following: "This reworking is the very first step that lays the foundation for the major combat updates, as well as classes updates that will be coming. It may feel rough, and it may not make sense until everything is in place; so please be patient and enjoy the ride! :)"

Any further unconstructive posts will be deleted and consequences will happen, accordingly.

AE Forum Administrator

orc orc orc -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/16/2017 22:02:34)

I feel that Mage has lost its bursting potential. It's nice that fireball casts faster and eats nowhere as much mana, but it feels a bit too weak. It still retains its role in pulling one enemy at a time and occasionally supporting with shield and daze but in everything else such as bossing and in high-level dungeons it's rather outclassed by the like of Rogue and Guardian. (imo)

AoE farming with Warrior is noticeably worse now. From my experience it's not too bad since I've managed to kill 4 Shard Pebblars without much problem but it does underperform in dungeons like Shadowskull tower where it used to dominate. Then again, some mobs are buffed so that's not entirely Warrior's fault. But I'll have to say Whirlwind's decreased range can be annoying. Damage-wise (for me at least) Whirlwind does around the same damage, it's the squishiness and the lowered range that have made it a lot worse. That said, the buffs to its single-target skills mean it's now better at bossing and farming high-level dungeons where AoE combat is not prevalent so that's something. But since AoE farming makes up a large part of the game I understand why some are upset.

Rogue is a lot better now (imo) thanks to higher hit rates, stronger first skill, lowered mana costs and longer buff duration. The squishiness does hurt it but in group battles, where it works best, it's not the biggest issue. It's no longer missing constantly in high-level dungeons and with improved attack DPS on top of its DoT, it's a lot more viable now.

Charfade -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/20/2017 17:49:52)


To *Nova*

Were experimenting making the Main hud UI black background semi transparent.

To answer your question as to why its on the right side. Most players are right handed. keeping selection control with the right thumb and direction with the left. ( curious if we could do a lefty mode hmm tbc )

Why is everything going to the right main hud column? We're actively reducing the number of pop ups. Keeping interaction and clickable objects closer to the sides so that players wont strain their thumbs over long term game play and have faster control over options.

UI not perfect, but I figured I'd explain reasoning in the design choice.

TRroaringdragon -> RE: Patch 1.4.7! Stats, XP and more! (6/23/2017 1:33:01)

A critical flaw in the current class system is that there atm, is no room for variety in class roles.
Since this is a game that allows for, or at least strives to, allow for both group and solo play, just as in AQW (before the power creep - now, the viability of a select group of classes to utterly annihilate any boss and hordes of mobs drains the game's enjoyability), there needs to be a diversity of what classes can achieve which has direct consequences in how players choose to play the game and how effective it is for clearing monsters.

There needs to be a clearer delineation between mobbing classes and soloing ones. Since there is no difference between Mage damage and Warrior damage atm (since there aren't separate categories of damage resistance and damage type), it is at the least necessary to make a more evident distinction between the Warrior's AOE mobbing capabilities and the Mage's ranged, burst DPS, likewise the Rogue's single target sustained DPS (i.e. soloing), and the Guardian's tankiness.

One step for doing this is adding more skills. More skills = more diversity = more potential for complexities in combat. This in itself is also a good thing because it improves the currently stale combat (as certified by the feedback of the majority of dedicated players).
AQ3D has a useful distinction from AQW in that ranged combat in AQW, aside from PvP, is identical to melee functionally. This allows for ranged roles.

The problem with mobbing right now is that AQ3D is based on a level progressive area system where you have very little incentive to train anywhere but an area befitting your level.
AoE mobbing in areas with enemies close to or above your level tends to end very messily in this game because of how strong enemies are. This relates directly to the problem of staleness between classes due to the little wiggle room for distinguishing between them.

A potential solution is to make different kinds of mobs in each area, in regards to health and damage.
E.g. for some quests, you will need to hunt three times as many monsters as usual, but those monsters have half the health of the typical fare faced right now, and are in greater populations closer together, allowing for abilities like Whirlwind to shine and for there to be reason to utilize AOE mobbers over other classes.
Mobs with higher health but in smaller populations, no clustering, and with lower number requirements for quests, would allow for burst DPS classes to shine. A nice feature is the health and mana regeneration that begins after the cessation of combat. Burst DPS farmers would do better here than typical mobbers.

In fact, the improvement to class roles is really quite secondary to the bigger impact of this which is that this allows for more enjoyable, diverse (this word is definitely a recurring theme here) combat - there is really no difference in feeling from farming/questing/bossing at level 3 to level 15 if level scaling is proportional to power scaling for both the player and monsters and bosses. Speaking of bosses,
Another off tangent suggestion - add more abilities to bosses. There is no need to waste artist time on churning out more bosses that do the same thing, but instead focus on even half as many bosses with diverse (again, this word) combat features.
An example of a well done boss in AQW - Tibicenas - makes you think and stay wary. Without features that could potentially compromise the success of your bossing exploits, bossing is lazily and half heartedly clicking away in order (and not even that for the particularly weak bosses). With features like Tibicenas' near insta kill, bossing keeps you on your toes.
This wariness of course should be a feature independent to the boss not to the player's class - boss mechanics should be what keep you wary, not your class's, because there's only so many hundred boss fights you can do with the same Doomknight class before even those exciting features become mundane.

Some vital (separate) class roles to ponder:
Burst DPS - Mage (at least pre nerf) (good for
Sustained DPS - Rogue, other classes (a typically a pretty loaded chassis in most RPGS, a good few classes would sit well here). These should typically be the best bossing classes.
AOE - Warrior, other classes (like in AQW, these are the farmers and another large group. There should be particular emphasis on enjoyability of skill mechanics in here, because of how grindy and long winded farming is.
Unlike bossing the enjoyability of farming depends almost entirely on the class so variety is important. Examples. an AOE poison stacker, a lifesteal farmer that allows players to ignore resting periods between fights)
Support - Awfully important category because this drives collaborative combat.
Very important to make sure power creep doesn't happen in this category. Healing, buffers, debuffers. Hopefully no support class can do all three efficiently because balance.
Tank - Guardian. These are also typically group dependent but should still be independent, I do like Guardian's design.

These following are not mutually exclusive class roles
Dodge - Dodge classes are fun, if only because it has a different feel (even if it isn't functionally different). A 5th rogue skill should focus on this aspect.
Ranged - As in a class like mage. Keep making these. They're alright, just keep out safe spotting from bosses.

Soloing is not a valid class role, and it ruins gameplay anyway. Avoid this. A good bossing class isn't necessarily a soloing class, it should be a class that significantly reduces time taken to take down bosses in comparison to other classes,.

I hope you hear out my suggestions AE. I really want AQ3D to succeed, and I do believe the most important aspect to that ends is improving combat system because in the end, it doesn't matter how many Drickens the developers can slot into the game map, or how attractive the latest war reward armor is, as long as combat remains poor and unengaging.

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