Occavatra -> Hunt for Bradychwyd, The (6/23/2017 20:01:39)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/df/banners/Swordhaven.jpg[/image] The Hunt for Bradychwyd Location: Swordhaven (Book 3) -> Up -> Left -> Quest Board Level/Quest/Items required: None Release Date: June 23rd, 2017 Objective: Where did these old, dirty alleys come from? Objective completed: Grams... Why? Scaled Yes/No: Yes Monsters (4) Destruction of Nation (1) Divinity Defiled (5) Humiliation (3) Regicide (1) Grams - Boss NPCs None Rewards Glob of Bradychwyd Infused Sheathed Rose Blade (All Versions) Access to Bradychwyd Loot for DCs Dialogue The following note on the Quest Board reads, "HELLOOOOO THERE HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO YOU'VE BEEN DOING SUCH A GOOD JOB I JUST CAN'T HELP BUT SAY HIII WITH AN ENCORE BUT FRIEND, I AM GOING TO NEED MORE ATGASEDD IF I AM TO MAKE THAT SPECIAL SPECIAL SOMETHING FOR THOSE I KNOW WHO'VE REALLY REALLY GOT IT COMING YOU'RE A PERSON OF JUSTICE, AREN'T YOU? THEN YOU UNDERSTAND HAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA I NEED FIVE DIFFERENT KINDS OF ATGASEDD TO EXECUTE THIS PLAN I HAVE ATGASEDD AND ATGNO... I'M SOOO CLOSE TO FINDING M- AND U- BUT FOR BRADYCHWYD I KNOW WHAT TO DO THERE'S A PLACE DOWN BELOW BRADYCHWYD HAPPENED TWICE THREE TIMES AGO AND EVEN IF THAT HAS PAST INTO THE PAST THE PAST HAUNTS THE FUTURE WHICH HAS BECOME THE PRESENT AT LAST BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU FIND... HA HA HA HA HIC HIC HIUUUUUU!" Hmm... Back! *You enter the subterranean city of Ravenloss, but the streets are deserted. You walk through the alleys to find what the individual who posted these notices are seeking. As you traverse through the alleyways, a heavy pitch black cloud made up of smoke somehow sends you back in time to when Ravenloss was still dominated by Chaosweavers. The revelation unfazed you, or so you believe. Whenever you come across mirages of Tomix, Konnan, Jaania, Valencia, and Alexander, they recede into the shadows until you return to that area. All of them were various people encountered have BEEN betrayed, have FELT betrayed, or have betrayed you. All of them are regretful, yet you cannot say anything to them. After coming across a dead end, you encounter a manifestation of Grams who is donning a DoomKnight's armor just as she was when she was supposedly revealed to be a spy. Once you were through with the living shadow, you continue to lament over the tragic discovery.* Complete Quest DC Loot Shop - Opens Bradychwyd Loot for DCs Pop-up headlines during the quest: quote:
You feel a sense of dread walking too close to this door. Better not go in- Wait a minute... Oh, no! A dead end and no sign of the... Cloud Key... huh? This is wrong... Be a dear and let Grams take care of you. Now be a good little pitgrinder. Just roll over and play dead! Other information: Bradychwyd is defined by translation from Welsh to English into one word, which is "betrayed". Thanks to Stephen Nix for translation. Elryn for background information.