Join to Exile for 1st time cost 1250 varium (Full Version)

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galangjr -> Join to Exile for 1st time cost 1250 varium (7/19/2017 12:07:06)

(Im Sorry my English is Bad)
Why I Cant join to exile?
I created Account in 2010/2011 and i never login for several years.
In 2017 im playing EpicDuel again. When i logged in I Already in Legion (I never choose this or anything else.)
Then when war is ended i want to change to Exile (someone told me if it your 1st time change its free), but when i go to Exile Leader and click Join the Exile it cost 1.250 Varium. how can i join exile? im not choose legion or exile before. so can i get my choice now?

Mother1 -> RE: Join to Exile for 1st time cost 1250 varium (7/20/2017 20:36:16)

It isn't a bug.

The staff sometime ago changed it to where you can join the side with less players for free, while making it still cost varium to switch to the other.

galangjr -> RE: Join to Exile for 1st time cost 1250 varium (7/21/2017 0:10:58)

so it mean that i cant go to exile except pay 1250 varium?

8x -> RE: Join to Exile for 1st time cost 1250 varium (7/21/2017 12:34:26)


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