AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (Full Version)

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ShatteredReality -> AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (7/29/2017 3:02:01)

Since the ongoing 7 Deadly Dragons storyline features Galanoth so heavily, I decided to make this (kind of sketchy) comic.

Loftyz -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (7/29/2017 3:34:20)

Very accurate, lol. We may be the Deadly Dragon of Envy, due to envying each others' rares.


Apeiron -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (9/4/2017 16:54:43)


Dr Disrespect -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (9/25/2017 8:57:00)

Had me laughing for quite a while. Indeed an accurate depiction of AQW's storyline.

ShatteredReality -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/1/2017 15:34:30)

I made another one. I've never played any AE game besides AQWorlds (and maybe that pony one a long time ago) so I might be wrong about some of this.

Shadowhunt -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/1/2017 16:00:56)

First one was great, but that Gravelyn one is just... pure gold [:D] You're actually drawing these yourself and everything? And also, you taking requests? [;)]

ShatteredReality -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/1/2017 16:53:59)

Yes, I'm drawing these by myself. I'm not sure about requests, but you can suggest ideas to me! [:)]

Edit: Awww, thanks for all the feedback guys!

Alina -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/1/2017 20:02:43)

These are INCREDIBLE, ShatteredReality! I will share them with Artix at the lab tomorrow, and will let the rest of our players know on Twitter and the DNs. These are the kinds of things I love sharing the most. Really amazing job.

Apeiron -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/1/2017 20:29:15)

Gravelyn a qt

Also, do a Miltonius/Nulgath one if you can [&:]

orc orc orc -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/1/2017 22:46:02)

Really well done! These comics are highly relatable in their depictions of AQW's story and community. The humor made it even better! Looking forward to more of these!

Cake of Envy -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/2/2017 6:53:09)

I loved this wc and I wish you continue doing it.
Can I translate it to my main language?

ShatteredReality -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/2/2017 10:16:52)

Sure, you can translate it to your main language, Cake of Envy!

Also, I'd like to do a comic about Nulgath or Dage, but I don't know enough about them to make one.

Flabagast -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/2/2017 23:51:49)

X'D Awesome!

ShatteredReality -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/28/2017 14:44:37)

Not a new comic, but here's a picture I drew for Yoshino.

Click the preview for the full image!

Loftyz -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (10/28/2017 15:27:02)

The description of "Battle Dread Gazer" quest in AQ3D says Lynaria is on Gravelyn's birth certificate. As for the more important question of how to get a date with her.. that's a mystery I don't think anyone can solve.

ShatteredReality -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (2/19/2018 20:50:26)

What, it's been three months since I made one of these? [:(] Anyway, I made one about the Elemental Champions this time. I hope we're able to learn more about them in AQW! (Also, drawing bulky armor is HARD.)

holdinglines -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (2/22/2018 21:14:33)

This is both enjoyable and fun to read! I hope you continue
(also just an FYI i L O V E the expressions!)

ShatteredReality -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (2/22/2018 22:07:54)


Aww, thanks, holdinglines! [:)]

Edit: @below - Thanks, Alina! Don't worry, I'll keep making these as long as I have ideas for them!

Alina -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (2/24/2018 13:30:14)

ShatteredReality - I enjoy these so much! Really awesome job. Keep'em coming!

ShatteredReality -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (6/26/2018 14:51:34)

This time, I drew an image of Alteon's (adopted? who knows!) daughters.

Click on the thumbnail for the full image!

bruextian -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (4/1/2019 21:57:30)

This is amazing and funny! Hah hope to see more.

ShatteredReality -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (4/7/2019 15:21:10)

@bruextian Thanks! I'm glad to hear you like them.

ShatteredReality -> RE: AQW's Storyline in a Nutshell (6/16/2019 22:02:09)

So, I finally finally finally completed my next comic. It took forever and by the end I really just wanted to get it over with. You can tell that it took me a while because all the weird art style shifts. Anyway, whatever, here's the link to the comic.

Click on the thumbnail for the full comic!

Final thoughts:
  • I never want to draw Dage's armor again.
  • For characters with art redesigns I drew them based off the original art because it would be easier that way.
  • Why does Laken have like, four belts?
  • Why did I even write this comic and why is it so long?
  • I am not going to make a comic this long again anytime soon.

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