Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2017= Finals OOC (9/5/2017 19:48:00)
Deliberations have ended, discussions have been concluded, and a decision has been made: Please offer your congratulations to Ryu Viranesh, this year's Champion!!! The thread is now unlocked for Ryu, and by extension the final 3 (and others still delaying), to make their finale and exit posts! I have no flavor text for you in the actual granting of the boon, Ryu, but if you wish you may include the following: quote:
As a cool, soothing shadow swept across the sands, the chanters turned for the last time to face the roaring crowds. In strong, triumphant voices, they declared; "The tournament has ended, and the Champion, revealed! By the Will of the Arena, and the Lords that govern its domain, Darkness has claimed victory! Cyril Kovac stands as Champion! We now bear witness to his Decision, as his name will be remembered by all in the years to come. Once again, a huge congratulations and thank you to Ryu, our final three, all eight Paragons, and each and every combatant this year! All of you contributed into making this tournament run smoothly and as wonderfully as it did! Now, for a slightly different reveal… Ginkage and I have created a new section for the RP forums, Combat Training! It should be going live in the next week, and will be located in the RPA sub-forum. We'll make further announcements once it's live, too! The Combat Training forums will be a space for people to test out new characters, get some combat practice in an EC-style setting, or even just to have some fun beating each other's characters senseless. It follows a method similar to the RPA, but maintains a much higher focus on combat, and can be re-entered as many times as you like. You will also have the ability to design the arenas that you will be competing in (2-4 people per match). Further rules, information, and clarification can be found in the Welcome thread and Rules thread of the Combat Training forums, as soon as they go live! Thank you once more to all who competed, and I sincerely hope to see some of you around in the Combat Training once it goes live, and all of you return for next year's Elemental Championships!