Occavatra -> RE: Kickstarter Sword (All Versions) (10/21/2017 20:13:32)
[image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/Rare.jpg[/image][image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/SpecialOffer.png[/image] [image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DC.png[/image]Kickstarter Sword This sword is available only to those that supported the AQ3D Kickstarter campaign. Thank you for your support! (No DA Required) Location: Kickstarter Rewards Price: N/A Required Item: 1 Kickstarter Token Sellback: N/A Level: 80 Damage: 87-89 Element: Bacon Stats: Block +1, Dodge +1, Parry +1, Crit +8, Magic Def +8, Pierce Def +8, Melee Def +8, WIS +4, END +4, LUK +8, INT +12, DEX +12, STR +12, Bonus +8 Resists: All +10 Combine 1 to form Kickstarter Token Rarity: 0 Item Type: Scythe Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon Other information Weapon previously had All +12 resist; this was changed to All +10 on May 20th, 2021.