Bug Void Creature (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Bugs


Mr. Delector -> Bug Void Creature (10/25/2017 10:11:42)

Deleted.-Mr. Delector

8x -> RE: Bug Void Creature (10/27/2017 14:54:18)

If I remember correctly the levels of some NPCs not being what they were supposed to be, has something to do with the introduction of NPCs to PvP, I guess some of the NPC battle NPC's levels scale like the PvP NPC's levels. I'd look at it more like it's something new rather than a bug.

The drop chance for the void essences is low, they should drop eventually.

Mr. Delector -> RE: Bug Void Creature (10/27/2017 20:35:53)


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