=AQ3D= News November 8th, 2017: Darkovia is Live! (Full Version)

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Peachii -> =AQ3D= News November 8th, 2017: Darkovia is Live! (11/8/2017 19:49:25)


Artix Krieger | Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Enter a land cursed by eternal darkness

The Vampires and Werewolves have lock fangs in a war that will engulf the world. Part one of the Darkovia saga has just been released and the level cap has been raised to 18.


Released in Part 1

  • The Town of Darkhurst
  • Boog's Tavern
  • You can sit in the chairs in Boog's Tavern
  • Rank up as a ShadowSlayer and unlock E's armor
  • New item drops and rewards
  • Level cap raised to 18


    Coming Next

    The next exciting release continues where this one leaves off... granting us access to Darkovia Forest in Part II. We wrote the story arc in such a way that this is the perfect place switch back to the highly anticipated conclusion of our previous area. Which means, as you are reading this, Korin is finishing animated the cutscenes for The Dragons of Ashfall: Part III while Rabbleforth is working on the DragonSlayer class. We are building several new features (which you can easily guess at) for the future parts of Darkovia which will make it really interesting when you can side with the Vampires and Werewolves.

  • Flabagast -> RE: =AQ3D= News November 8th, 2017: Darkovia is Live! (11/9/2017 2:24:36)

    Certainly exceeded my expectations. I didn't expect to run into a pair of nightbreed beating each other up while still running into some challenge.

    One thing though; I noticed that the game asks if you want to return to Battleon as you approach the rear gate to Darkhurst. Hopefully sometime in the future we might see a geographical connection between Darkovia and one of the older maps, like the way to Ashfall through the Bonecliffs of Doomwood?

    Hana! -> RE: =AQ3D= News November 8th, 2017: Darkovia is Live! (11/9/2017 16:33:55)

    I like the setting and what's been made for the area so far. But I think Artix put it best when he was talking about the problems with releasing Darkovia in the middle of Ashfall.

    Part one of Darkovia doesn't really add a lot in terms of content; the fang farming for ShadowSlayer ranks is definitely the most monotonous task I've seen thus far, too. Like I said, though, the setting is good, characters and art are great, and I've no doubt that in the later parts, it'll get more dynamic and entertaining in terms of gameplay and progression. I just hope the player gets to make some meaningful decisions between vampires and lycans and that it will allow for more play styles.

    Looking forward to the later parts!

    XeNON_54 -> RE: =AQ3D= News November 8th, 2017: Darkovia is Live! (11/11/2017 6:32:16)

    I like the fact that we can just steal kills by letting the mobs kill each other to near death and just cheese them by using Whirlwind.

    Hendrik -> RE: =AQ3D= News November 8th, 2017: Darkovia is Live! (11/20/2017 10:59:23)

    Just soloed ancient evil.. Well, another guy joined in the end but would've killed it myself too.

    Here's how: when a dueling vamp/lycan dies, the other one will aggro anything near it. I aggroed the tree, killed a duelist, and the other started attacking the tree. Repeated for a second pair of duelists. Then the first one respawned and started attacking the tree. Etc.


    Might redo and record on pc later, was fun :)

    Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ3D= News November 8th, 2017: Darkovia is Live! (11/24/2017 14:40:38)


    The minute I saw Morgul alarm bells were going off in my head. I went back to check the quest chain. Ok it wasnt as bad as I remembered, but the hero got played and Morgul isn't human.

    Iron Volvametal -> RE: =AQ3D= News November 8th, 2017: Darkovia is Live! (11/24/2017 14:42:31)

    ^ That's one outdated link if I ever saw one. ^

    Photobucket disabled the image & the link below took me to some weird French site.

    Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ3D= News November 8th, 2017: Darkovia is Live! (11/24/2017 15:19:18)

    Squee, Boog, Morghul and Lucreti are alll NPCs from Graenmor.

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