=MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (Full Version)

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Phantasmia -> =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/12/2017 14:48:16)

Hello, beauties and gentle beauties!

I'm Phantasmia(Also known as Zhoaer and Zuto) and I'm your new ArchKnight of the AQWorlds General Discussion! Just a few things I need to say:

  • Due to my position as an AE Staff member. I cannot reveal my real name and age.
  • I won't give out my location.
  • Limit 7 questions a post.
  • I reserve the right to answer or not to answer a question on how I see fit.
  • As always, the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules and the =AQW= General Discussion Forum Rules apply here too.

    This will be my edit color and if anyone here can realize who else had this color will get a cookie.

    You can start asking away!

  • Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/12/2017 15:16:07)

    *A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*

    Greetings Phantasmia.

    What it thy favourite monster in Dragonfable?
    Oof that's tough. I'm not really sure.

    Who is thy favourite villain in Dragonfable?
    Prolly Valtrith.

    Does thou play shadow games?
    Depends on who my opponent is. Unless I feel like making it one.

    Does thou ever visit the L&L and if so what would be thy favourite work of writing?
    I do not visit that section of the forums.

    Congratulation on thy ArchKnigthhood, may thou perservere in thy newfound duties.

    *Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*

    kaos rules x -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/12/2017 15:27:27)

    *Notices the aforementioned shadows* I'm just gonna pass on by those.

    Congratulations on your new position Phantasmia!

    I only have one question: if you were an adventurer in a fantasy setting, what sort of adventurer do you think you would be?
    A Cautious one. I'd make sure I'd enough supplies and my equipment is up to snuff before each adventure! I'd use a Sword and a Bow an arrow to fend off pesky pests.

    Best of luck to you!
    Thanks again!

    ShatteredReality -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/12/2017 16:47:13)

    Hi there Phantasmia! I've got some questions for you, too!

    1. Vampires or Lycans?!

    2. Good or Evil (I don't think Chaos is a real faction[:D])?!
    Trick question! I choose neutral!

    3. What happens to the server hamsters who ran retired servers? Where did the Alina, Minimal, J6... etc server hamsters go?!
    I'm not entirely sure. I'd like to think the hamsters were set free and are now scampering along and having fun =D

    4. Can I be a mod? Is the Underground Lab really underground?
    No, I've never been there so I can't really answer.

    5. Is Pony vs Pony the best AE game or what?!
    I plead the 5th in case Asuka comes after me.

    6. Why can't I loot the corpses of my enemies in PvP?
    Because Flash is weird? Yeah, let's go with that.

    7. Which Pokeymog is the best?
    The Daimyo + Eevee combo <3

    Doxus the OverLord -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/12/2017 16:55:14)

    Congratulations for your new position here in AQW Forums!
    It's nice to see "fresh" blood here.

    So, here I go:

    1. If you are about to define what kind of Hero in AQW you are, so, what would you say? Why?
    I have a backstory written involving my character being the leader of a resistance force against the Queen of Monsters forces in his hometime.

    2. Here you have to choose a path: Good, Evil or Chaos? Why did you choose it? Neutral isn't an option. If you choose this, the Chronocorruptors will come after you.
    Send those Chronocorruptors after me then! I'll take them all on!

    3. If you are about to choose between Lore's complete destruction or saving a children's life, what would you choose? No second options and say here your reasons to.

    4. Why "Phantasmia"? Is there a reason or something behind the name? Or just "nice sounding"?
    I believe I chose "Phantasmia" due to me wanting to use a form of the word "Phantom" and doing something "clever" with the end.

    5. A favourite class to play.
    Before VoidHigh Lord came out I used to only use Legion DoomKnight and Blazebinder but now it's Void HighLord and Blazebinder.

    6. What do you think about the last release of AQW?
    It was alright.

    7. Series? Animes? TV programs? Cartoons? Or just games? Tell us which of these you like more.
    All of the above? Hard to choose which one I like the most honestly.

    zer00x -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/12/2017 17:50:01)

    Hello and kudos to you for becoming an ArchKnight!.

    1.- Favorite Chaos Lord Saga
    It's been so long I don't remember what even happens in them anymore.

    2.- Favorite Deadly Dragon

    3.- żDage's Legion or Nulgath's Nation? (and why, if you have the time to elaborate)
    Dage's Legion

    4.- Favorite Zone/Area (Yulgar doesn't count!)

    5.- Current in-game goals

    6.- A class that you consider underrated

    Laos -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/12/2017 20:25:21)

    Ohai Phantasmia!

    Wait... why 7 questions? I let people ask me over 100!

    I wasn't joking :p

    Did the above count as a question? o.o

    No? That's okay then. :D

    *scratches head* Forget the questions! Congratulations and welcome aboard! :D

    Dr Disrespect -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/14/2017 5:09:40)

    Congratulations on the new position! I didn't know you were Zhoaer previously until you mentioned it here, for a long time I wondered what happened to him/her.

    DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/14/2017 10:57:11)

    Let's be Moglin simple with this one. :P
    Congratulations on your Mogliness AKness

    I guess I don't have many Moglins questions to ask really, but I'll ask this:

    Do you love Moglin Moglins?
    If so, you've already passed my Moglin test!
    Yes They're cute. Twig's my favorite!

    That's all the Moglins time I had for today!
    Oh and by the way, watch out for the Moglin colorbomb that I activated. You have 10 Moglins seconds...7, 4, 3.725, 1,11 ....


    Molevolent -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/15/2017 17:29:57)

    hi congrats on ascending
    I have a few questions

    - do you enjoy puns
    Not at all. You should know this by now.

    - what's your favorite brand of all purpose cleaner from s.c. johnson

    - what's your favorite brand of orange flavored soda
    Ironiclly, It's Phanta xD

    - what's your favorite type of spectral being
    The answer is in my title.

    - what's your favorite form of horror theatre that (among other techniques) used one or more magic lanterns to project frightening images

    - do you play aq3d? if so, what's your favorite monster in the upper firefields

    - what's your favorite rolls-royce model
    Not a car person.

    thank you for your time pls don't kill me
    The lack of capital letters makes me want to kill you.

    Razgriz -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/15/2017 17:33:35)

    Well now. This... has been a while.
    Yeah it has!

    hOI Nothing much.

    Man, I actually wonder what my avatar is here. I haven't actually checked. Wondering how I got here? Me too, actually.
    I'm sorry what? I zoned out there. Can you say that again?

    Pick one superpower you would want to have.
    Is uhhh frightening people a superpower?

    Favorite fiction genre?
    "Ask again later." ~Magic 8 Ball

    Is there a vocaloid song that you like, and if so which one?
    The heck is a Vocaloid?

    I feel like I shoud say something profound or something, but I got nothing...

    Monika is best girl.

    DarkFireKiller -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/15/2017 18:12:41)


    First AE game?
    AdventureQuest Classic

    Iron Volvametal -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/15/2017 18:44:14)

    - Favorite metal?

    - If you were to insert yourself into AQW's world, what would you be(ex. Is Phantasmia an adventurer, a hired sword, a wise mage, etc)?
    Leader of a Resistance force.

    - Favorite weapon type?

    - What Class would you like being introduced into the game?

    - Preferred types of armor you like to wear?
    Medium Armor

    - Rarest item you own?
    Prolly my personal.

    - Favorite Pokemon from each Generation?
    Eevee, Totadile, Mudkip, Riolu, Oshawatt, Chespin/Sylveon, Cosmog

    (And can you see this super-duper secret?)
    Yeah, since I edit these posts to answer them xD

    Battle Elf -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/16/2017 10:05:37)



    What's your favorite season?

    What's your favorite vegetable?

    What's your favorite vegetable of your favorite season?

    Welcome aboard!
    Thanks again!

    Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/16/2017 10:49:26)


    Congrats on your ArchKnight position and good luck!

    Tendou -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/16/2017 12:34:31)


    1- What happens when a phantom dies, is it dead, undead or deadundead? o_O
    We go to the underworld of course!

    2- Pokemon or Digimon? Describe the monster you most like as well for the move :d

    Im not a good guy for questions but i hope you are enjoying your AKship :d
    I am. Thanks for coming!

    Attar -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/17/2017 13:57:44)

    Hiyas Phantasmia! Grats on the AK-ship [:D]

    Now onto the questions!
    1. Most important of all, Blue or Purpul and why?
    Purple for reasons you cannot understand.

    2. Wait, is that Melissa's evil fairy dust you're using to write? O__O *summons his master*

    3. So, how are the shackles?
    What shackles?

    4. Between Zyrain and Warlic, which one's the stronger ArchMage?

    5. Sora and Plat, which one do you ship with Warlic?

    6. Tea or coffee?
    I don't drink either of those.

    7. Banana or potato?
    Both since they're fun to say =D

    That's all from me. Have fun and enjoy your stay, minion warden ArchKnight Phantasmia! :D
    And please consider joining the other side before it's too late.

    The escape is naught but an illusion and your shackles are never to be broken

    Phantasmia -> RE: =MtAK= The Phantom of AQW GD! (11/20/2017 14:42:55)

    Well that's enough questions! Thanks everyone for asking!

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