=AQW= Staff Information Thread (Full Version)

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Phantasmia -> =AQW= Staff Information Thread (9/10/2018 22:30:41)

Have any news from a Staff Member that made you jump into the air, full of glee? Possibly any details on this week's release? You can post information & tweets from staff members here!

So long as they're AQW related.

Posts which do not comply with these will be removed.

1. =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules and =AQW= General Discussion Forum Rules apply.

2. You may post/quote tweets for others to comment and discuss on. ALL comments are to be constructive when replying to another forum user or a staff member's tweet. IF you think that your comment is not useful or has nothing to contribute to the discussion, please DO NOT post at all.

3. Strictly NO flaming and trolling of staff members; attacking of other forum users is also not allowed. Such cases will be dealt with depending on the severity of the post(s).

4. You must always provide the LINK as well as the name of the staff member when posting tweets, to verify that the information is genuine. If you don't know how to do this, simply click on the tweet and then click Details. This will provide you with the individual tweet's link.

Another issue which has arisen is that not everyone is posting the image links correctly and therefore they do not appear as a link for others to click. Only some Twitter images behave like this. If you are going to be the person to post the tweet, please make sure you link the picture to the correct link instead of leaving it.

For example: attempting to quote the image link from this tweet will result in the following: pic.twitter.com/KUG5dp0YDj
The correct, and working, link to this image is https://twitter.com/Alina_AE/status/357268702808383488/photo/1 as found by clicking on the link in the tweet. Please make sure you link it back to the quote to make it easier for others. As an example:
[url=https://twitter.com/Alina_AE/status/357268702808383488/photo/1] pic.twitter.com/KUG5dp0YDj [/url]

5. Please be aware that any news taken from non-legal sources are not allowed to be posted. Unofficial websites might give non-genuine information considered untrue. Feel free to refer to this list of Official Staff Twitter and Facebook accounts: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=221157418

6. Feedback* and ideas are always welcome. Simply stating "I don't like feature X so this release will suck" is not useful. When giving feedback, please state the reason for why something is not acceptable, and methods to resolve or improve it.

7. If a thread meant for a specific discussion exists, you should post information there instead.

8. ArchKnights and forum moderators have the final say. If a notice is placed, a reminder is posted or a warning is given to you, follow this up.

* For unreleased information only -- for things that are already in-game, please use the specific design notes.


1. All information and ideas given by an AQW developer on Twitter is not 100% official UNLESS announced in the AQWorlds Design Notes. More information can be found here.
2. If you have any queries regarding any information given by a staff, you can post them in the AQWorlds Q&A; forum.

From Alina:



yup blade.... verification wooon't get an update and we trust AE so much! /endsarcasm

We did say that, back when we didn't think we were going to update the verification shops anymore. Just like we said we didn't think we could ever add any more buyable inventory slots.
When we find out something you guys want isn't able to happen, we let you know that (as much and as often as is reasonable and possible).

But sometimes... sometimes what is the truth of a situation one year changes the next year, or two years after that. And when that happens, things we didn't think were possible suddenly BECOME POSSIBLE!
And that is the BEST way we can be wrong, because it means we're able to do something for you guys we didn't think we could.

Like updating the AQ Verification shop AND the number of buyable inventory slots. Things change, and I am absolutely glad they do, because that means that the current limitations we face may not always be that way.

There are a lot of things that many of you want to see change. Really change. Core engine-level game-style changes. And we want a lot of those things, too. What can't be done, we work around, or we wait until things change to let us DO the things we want, and you guys want. Or we say, "we won't do that thing, because we are trying to protect you and your account." (ex - trading)

The entire AQWorlds team works hard every day to push out releases (and we are up to almost a release a day now, whether it's a new feature, bug fixes, a new shop, or a story release). We do what we do for the love of the games and the love of the community.

Every time we see you guys complaining - whether about the number of ACs or how there are (too many/not enough) rares, or that the release was too small or too long... we are disappointed and disheartened because we work hard. Unhappy players mean we've let you guys down, and you aren't afraid to let us know it. After a long week of unexpected emergencies and challenges (and WAY too much caffiene), that can be really rough.

But we are committed to making the best games we can for you guys, so every Monday, we go in with a new battle plan. And often the things you want to change CAN'T change because of the limitations we face... but we NEVER stop working to make the game better for as many people as we can. While still making sure we CAN keep making the game.

Change is inevitable, and the future is unpredictable. Here's to us being able to break many more promises where we said we CAN'T do the things you guys want!

Apeiron -> RE: =AQW= Staff Information Thread (1/1/2018 13:14:52)

You guys prob saw this already but Void Overlord is coming to aqw

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Staff Information Thread (4/20/2018 13:19:54)

In case nobody's poked around at them over the last couple days, character pages are being redesigned in regards to badges. Plus, you can hide the badges now! It's still being worked on so there may be a few issues, but at least they are a little easier to sort through now.

Metakirby -> RE: =AQW= Staff Information Thread (4/20/2018 14:36:28)

I don't suppose it's meant to look like this when hovering over the new Badge.

Are there any plans of adding more badges for other items, such as AFDL, ENNH, VHL, NSoD and Set of Awe (Armor + Helm + Cape)?

Jams Loyal Subject -> RE: =AQW= Staff Information Thread (9/22/2018 20:46:48)


‏ @Clowns_AE: "@ArtixKrieger hey when do u think aqw mobile will release more importantly what's ur estimation date for server rewrite or is it a myth😂😭😂😭🤡"

@ArtixKrieger: "@Clowns_AE It is complete. They are just making sure the implementation is smooth, because this upgrade is a one way trip."


1 year, 10 days later...

I'm guessing this implementation is going to be as smooth as chocolate [8D]


Sambud -> RE: =AQW= Staff Information Thread (9/22/2018 23:34:37)

The rewrite most likely won't happen anytime soon, if anything, with all that's been said, I'd bet it isn't happening at all. The game is completely fine without it.

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