Lightning Charm (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Lightning Charm (3/3/2018 2:06:46)

Lightning Charm

«Neutral misc. Increases Dexterity and Magic Defence. Mastercraft; toggles between Earth and Energy resistance.»

Location: Given to 1000 random players who bought at least one raffle ticket during the September '16 Raffle Contest, plus those who won the [url=]Thunderstone Axe[/url]. Scales with the players level. If the player reaches a Lvl in the Level row, then that's the stats the item will use.
Element: Neutral
Player	0-74	75-94	95-114	115-134	135-149	150
Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Increases DEX and Magic Defence by the listed amount
  • Click the misc*† to swap between Earth** and Energy†† resistance. Multiplies damage taken of the selected element by the listed amount***.
    Magic	+8	+8	+9	+9	+10	+10
    Dex	+40	+40	+45	+45	+50	+50
    Res	0.65	0.6	0.6	0.55	0.55	0.5
    SPCost	54	59	62	67	70	74
    ***Click to swap to Earth!
    ***You are now protected against Earth!
    ***The Lightning Rod grounds you! Take -«»% «Earth/Energy» damage! Click to swap to «Earth/Energy».
    **Click to swap to Energy!
    *††You are now protected against Energy!

    This small charm will ground you, in more ways than one! It will boost your reflexes, providing greater DEX and enhanced Magic defence! It will also provide resistance to Energy damage, and can swap to resisting Earth damage instead! (Costs nothing to use)


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Kamui. Description and popups thanks to Big E. Image thanks to Syth (via Tep Itaki).


    October 21, 2016: The misc was released and became rare.
    January 9, 2018: The misc was renamed from Lightning Rod to Lightning Charm.

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