Chunk of Void Radiance (Full Version)

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Jay -> Chunk of Void Radiance (3/5/2018 8:31:41)

[image][/image]Chunk of Void Radiance
This piece of... something rapidly flashes between green, blue, and red. But when you look away, does it turn... purple? It's warm though, and can probably help incubate your egg! Nothing can go wrong there!
(No DA Required)

Location: The Primordials
Price: N/A
Sellback: 0 Dragon Coins

Level: 1

Combine 1 with Squirrel Tentacle I to form Squirrel Tentacle II
Combine 1 with Squirrel Tentacle I to form Squirrel Tentacle III
Combine 1 with Squirrel Tentacle I to form Squirrel Tentacle IV

Combine 1 with Void Chitin Band I to form Void Chitin Band II
Combine 1 with Void Chitin Band I to form Void Chitin Band III
Combine 1 with Void Chitin Band I to form Void Chitin Band IV

Combine 1 with Core-Strapped Egg to form Baby Chimera

Rarity: 0
Item Type: Resource

Other information
  • Item initally have a sellback of 50 Gold.
  • Item was DC tagged on July 27th, 2022.

  • Page: [1]

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