Toduh (Full Version)

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Ward_Point -> Toduh (3/6/2018 5:20:46)

Toduh / Toduh G / Toduh Z

«Energy pet. Can inflict Offbalanced on the monster.»

Location: Warp Wars
Type								Z	Z	G	G	
Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	10	143	0	150	
PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	44	153	10	153	
Price	18	53	336	2617	21008	169278	1364676	360	5400	15	11002348
S<48h	9	26	168	1308	10504	84639	682338	324	4860	7	5501174
Sell > 48h							90	1350	
Element: Energy
Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Energy
Damage	0-1	1-3	1-4	2-6	3-9	4-11	5-15	1-4	6-18	0-1	6-18	
Stat%	21.24	38.13	55.02	71.91	88.8	105.69	122.58	49.95	142	21.24	142	
BTH	2	7	12	17	22	27	32	11	38	2	38	
Rate: «See AI»

Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: Energy
Damage	2-7	5-14	9-24	12-35	16-49	22-63	26-80	7-22	34-101	2-7	34-101	
Stat%	117.58	211.08	304.58	398.08	491.58	585.08	678.58	276.53	786.11	117.58	786.11	
BTH	7	12	17	22	27	32	37	16	43	7	43	
Rate: «See AI»

  • If at least one hit connects, the pet attempts to inflict Offbalanced* on the monster(-40*[Energy resist] DEX, 2*[hits connected] turns). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus**:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Energy-element monsters are immune to this***.

    *Toduh's telekinesis forces your foe offbalance!
    **Your foe resists Toduh's attack through sheer force of will!
    ***Energy-element monsters are immune to Toduh's Uniforce effects!

    If the monster is Offbalanced, then the pet does attack #2, otherwise it does attack #1.

    Bring Toduh with you you will. Attack and offbalance enemies he will with his Uniforce attacks!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    Starts of as a standard pet;
    Type								Z	Z	G	G	
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	10	143	0	150	
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	44	153	10	153	
    Damage	2-7	5-15	9-25	13-37	17-52	23-67	28-85	7-23	36-107	2-7	36-107	
    Stat%	124.5	223.5	322.5	421.5	520.5	619.5	718.5	292.8	832.35	124.5	832.35	
    BTH	2	7	12	17	22	27	32	11	38	2	38	
  • Attack #1 does 34.12% damage to pay for the Offbalanced status. With two equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.
  • Attack #2 gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored in the numbers above.


    May 22(?), 2015: The pet was released.

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