Champion Additional Rewards (Full Version)

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Deepso -> Champion Additional Rewards (6/18/2018 21:47:57)

In my last Thread I said that what if we can get additional Rating points when winning 1v1, 2v2, jugg, etc. that cant be good because it can cause players to bot hard and use more alts because it is Rating points reward. Instead of Rating points what if we get credits and experience reward if we won additional daily champion? like 5,000 credits and 500 experience? so that players have still the reason to win a championship after the 1v1, 2v2, etc. Achievements.

Greed Redemption -> RE: Champion Additional Rewards (6/18/2018 23:28:33)

Champion ship rewards would be a great feature however the first reward is the achievement, maybe they could add tiers to the achievements and every win adds more to the original achievement amount or like you suggested credit rewards should be a bit different for each champ and only for daily champs.

1v1 daily champion reward: {10,000} credits
2v2 daily champion reward: {20,000} credits
Jugg Daily champion reward: {5000} credits --Note : Due to there being free npc wins at level 40, this is temporary or hired if wanted.

If not using credits for it
Add tiers for ratings:

1v1 champion = 100 or 500 ratings added on + 1000 credits + 3 arcade tokens
2v2 champion = 250 or 650 ratings added on + 2500 credits + 6 arcade tokens
jugg champion = 75 or 250 ratings added on + 3500 credits + 9 arcade tokens --Note: Due to there being free npc wins at level 40, this is temporary or hired if wanted.

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