Eye of Osiris (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Eye of Osiris (7/22/2018 8:54:56)

Eye of Osiris

«Light misc. Increases STR, INT, END and BTH. Mastercraft; heals the player when hit by Light damage.»

Tier Names:
  • Irt of Seth Z****[11 Z]
  • Irt of Seth*****"[45]
  • Irt of Ra*******'[60]
  • Irt of Thoth****"[75]
  • Irt of Horus****"[90]
  • Irt of Bastet****'[105]
  • Irt of Isis******"[120]
  • Irt of Osiris*****[135]
  • Elahi Irt of Osiris [150 G]
Location: Osiris Set
Element: Light
Type								|  Z     |  G
Level	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	|  11    |  150
PowLvl	45 MC	60 MC	75 MC	90 MC	105 MC	120 MC	135 MC	|  45 MC |  153 MC
CostLvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	|  36    |  152

Price	113	513	2421	11554	55255	264344	1264753 |  410   |  6051293
S/ <48h	56	256	1210	5777	27627	132172	632376	|  369   |  3025646
   >48h								|  103   |
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Increases STR, INT, END and BTH by the listed amount. Magic weapons get *4/3 of the boost (listed as MBTH) and spells get *1/2 (listed as SBTH).
  • When you take Light damage, you heal HP equal to [damage dealt]*[Light%].

    NOTE: You actually heal HP equal to [Light%] / [the attack's additive damage multiplier], so if you're using something else that affects the monster's damage, then you'll heal a different amount.
    STR	+25	+30	+35	+35	+35	+40	+40	|  +25    |  +40
    INT	+25	+30	+35	+35	+35	+40	+40	|  +25    |  +40
    END	+35	+40	+40	+45	+45	+45	+50	|  +35    |  +50
    BTH	+7	+8	+8	+8	+9	+9	+9	|  +7     |  +10
    MBTH	+9.33	+10.67	+10.67	+10.67	+12	+12	+12	|  +9.33  |  +13.33
    SBTH	+3.5	+4	+4	+4	+4.5	+4.5	+4.5	|  +3.5   |  +5	
    Light%	35	40	40	45	45	45	50	|  35     |  50
    SPCost	67	78	81	88	88	92	98	|  66     |  98
    **You're now infused with the power of Light! Increased STR, INT, END, BTH, and heal after being hit by Light attacks!
    **You lack the energy required to keep your misc item equipped!

    This ancient amulet is in the form of an eye. You don't have to replace your own eye to gain its millennium-old power, though - you can get a boost to your STR, INT, END, BTH, and Light resistance by just concentrating on it!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    November 19, 2015: The misc was released.
    June 15, 2017: Z-Token price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	715
    S <48h	643
      >48h	357

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