Waqaya of Osiris (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Waqaya of Osiris (7/26/2018 7:52:33)

Waqaya of Osiris

«Fully-Offensive Light armour. Mastercraft; deals damage to the monster when they hit you.»

Tier Names:
  • Waqaya of Seth Z****[11 Z]
  • Waqaya of Seth*****"[45]
  • Waqaya of Ra*******'[60]
  • Waqaya of Thoth****"[75]
  • Waqaya of Horus****"[90]
  • Waqaya of Bastet****'[105]
  • Waqaya of Isis******"[120]
  • Waqaya of Osiris*****[135]
  • Elahi Waqaya of Osiris [150 G]
Location: Osiris Set
Element: Light
Type								|  Z     |  G
Level	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	|  11    |  150
PowLvl	45 MC	60 MC	75 MC	90 MC	105 MC	120 MC	135 MC	|  45 MC |  153 MC

Price	902	4094	19364	92435	442039	2114754	10118016|  410   |  48410333
S/ <48h	451	2047	9682	46217	221019	1057377	5059008	|  369   |  24205166
   >48h								|  103   |
Melee	30	33	35	38	40	43	45	|  30	 |  48
Ranged	30	33	35	38	40	43	45	|  30	 |  48
Magic	30	33	35	38	40	43	45	|  30	 |  48
Fire	82	78	75	73	70	68	64	|  82	 |  61
Water	82	78	75	73	70	68	64	|  82	 |  61
Wind	82	78	75	73	70	68	64	|  82	 |  61
Ice	95	95	90	90	90	90	88	|  95	 |  88
Earth 	82	78	75	73	70	68	64	|  82	 |  61
Energy	86	81	80	79	77	77	75	|  86	 |  75
Light 	75	67	61	56	51	47	42	|  75	 |  39
Dark	86	81	80	79	77	77	75	|  86	 |  75
Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	117.5	140	162.5	185	207.5	230	252.5	|  117.5 |  279.5
Stat%	198.5	248	297.5	347	396.5	446	495.5	|  198.5 |  554.9
BTH	5	7	9	11	13	15	16	|  5	 |  19
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.25.
  • The appearance is based on whether you have a male or female face.
  • The trim colour is the same as your eye colour.
  • While equipped, you gain Backlash status. When you take damage, your opponent makes a save roll. If it fails, then the opponent takes 11.9% of the damage it dealt, converted to Harm damage. The monster takes +20 to its save:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: (YourSTR or YourINT, whichever is higher) vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Imbue yourself with divine protection, this grants you great Light resistance and powerful attacks, and will cause divine vengeance to strike back at all foes that attack you!


    Numbers thanks to Kamui and In Media Res.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	|  11    |  150
    PowLvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	|  45    |  153
    BR%	235	280	325	370	415	460	505	|  235	 |  559
    Stat%	397	496	595	694	793	892	991	|  397	 |  1109.8
    BTH	5	7	9	11	13	15	16	|  5	 |  19
    With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    October 23, 2015: The armour was released.
    June 15, 2017: Z-Token price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	715
    S <48h	643
      >48h	357

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