Mods on leaderboards (Full Version)

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8x -> Mods on leaderboards (8/4/2018 17:43:12)

I see a mod on the daily 1vs1 leaderboard. I thought mods were supposed to be hidden from the leaderboards?

Also, what's up with all these non-founder mods having the founder armor? Some people had to put up a lot of money during those winter gifting events to get it...

Battle Elf -> RE: Mods on leaderboards (8/6/2018 21:58:10)

Looking into this

NDB -> RE: Mods on leaderboards (8/5/2018 19:36:37)

Mods are allowed on all leaderboards except for Ratings and Inventory Rarity because those are the only two where being a mod gives you perks. There's no logical reason why they would be removed from any other leaderboard, especially the daily ones since that would prevent them from obtaining the daily achievements.

All mods are given Founder Armor if they didn't already have it and are instructed to wear it at all times as a way to distinguish themselves from other players. Like a police uniform, if you may. Granted, they already have the green name.

Nightwraith -> RE: Mods on leaderboards (8/5/2018 20:22:29)

Mods who don't have Founder armor may receive it as a perk. They don't have to wear it as a uniform, and it's removed when the mod retires.

I know that there for sure boards that moderators are excluded from, and I'm looking into whether or not they'r still supposed to be excluded from the 1v1 boards. I'll update with my findings.

UPDATE: It appears mods are not excluded form battle-based (win based) leaderboards. It's fine if they pop on occasionally as long as it doesn't become a habit.

8x -> RE: Mods on leaderboards (8/6/2018 13:57:36)

@NDB By my logic, the lawkeepers shouldn't be a part of the competition. But, idk...

@NightWraith I'm happy to hear that about the Founder armor, I was worried you guys were slowly going back to your old ways of giving them whatever they want on the live server.

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