Having the inventory arranged by alphabet so we don't have to go item searching as much.
Digital X -> RE: Inventory arrangements (8/9/2018 10:42:15)
I would very much welcome this one also. I get a lot of the same item from the Arcade and I have to scroll down to see how many I have left so I don't rush and accidentally delete a better item.
Actually, I think alphabetizing it would make it harder to sell useless Arcade weapons. Currently, items are listed by how recently they were obtained so all the weapons to sell would be in the same spot assuming you did aracde all at once. With alphabetical, they would become jumbled up with all your other important weapons.
So mayybe it would be best if there was a settings option to choose alphabetical order by date.
I can see an option for that too. I was trying to think of a situation to where it’s not useful, but couldn’t. M You did, so yeah, maybe a toggle switch would be good.