Mechachillid NPCs (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Bugs


.Lord Ginger. -> Mechachillid NPCs (8/12/2018 20:16:13)

The head looks squished down when you fight them.

It is this way on all 3 Mechachillid NPCs

Mechachillid head

8x -> RE: Mechachillid NPCs (8/13/2018 13:45:12)

You mean it's like too close to the body? I'm thinking that's probably intentional, because they are supposed to be bugs? Like how ants head is connected to its torso with a very short neck. idk

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: Mechachillid NPCs (8/13/2018 15:06:45)

no it's after the update their head looks weird, before it looked normal

Nightwraith -> RE: Mechachillid NPCs (8/13/2018 18:00:04)

This is happening because of the change that decoupled the "hairstyle" from the armor whereas before the armor and head came as a set. This should be an easy fix.

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