School Bell Bulwark (Full Version)

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Carandor -> School Bell Bulwark (9/16/2018 15:19:10)

School Bell Bulwark

«Scaling Light shield with secondary Wind and Energy resistances. Mastercraft; can Daze the monster.»

Location: Given out to 50 random players each Saturday of September 2018 who logged in and played.
Element: Neutral

Level: 0
Power Level: GuardianLevel, Mastercraft

Melee: +0
Ranged: +0
Magic: +0

Fire: +0%
Water: +0%
Wind: +0%
Ice: +0%
Earth: +0%
Energy: +0%
Light: +0%
Darkness: +0%

  • All combat defenses are equal to round((0.25*PowLvl+0.5)/3,0)
  • Light resistance is equal to round(-0.0000108*PowLvl^3 + 0.004*PowLvl^2 - 0.5256*PowLvl,0)%
  • Wind and Energy resistances are equal to round(-0.0000083*PowLvl^3 + 0.00235*PowLvl^2 - 0.242*PowLvl,0)%
  • If the monster attacks you, the shield attempts to Daze* it (2 turns, 56*Blocks/HitsAttempted)% chance). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: VStat vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    **Your foe striking your shield unleashes a loud ringing, dazing them!
    **Your shield starts ringing loudly upon being struck by your foe, but they endure the noise.

    This bell tells all the bright young students when it's time to go to their next class. Such a beacon of punctuality helps you resist Light attacks, and if a foe manages to strike the shield it will ring loudly, dazing them!


    Stat info thanks to In Media Res and Kamui.


    September 2, 2018: The shield was released.
    November 1, 2018: The shield became rare.


    YourLvl	0	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50	55	60	65	70	75
    PowLvl	10	15	19	23	27	32	36	41	45	50	54	59	64	68	73	78
    VStat	30	45	50	60	70	80	90	100	105	120	125	135	150	155	165	180
    MRM	+1	+1	+2	+2	+2	+3	+3	+4	+4	+4	+5	+5	+6	+6	+6	+7
    Wind	-2	-3	-4	-4	-5	-6	-6	-7	-7	-7	-8	-8	-8	-8	-8	-9
    Energy	-2	-3	-4	-4	-5	-6	-6	-7	-7	-7	-8	-8	-8	-8	-8	-9
    Light	-5	-7	-9	-10	-11	-13	-14	-16	-17	-18	-18	-19	-20	-21	-21	-22
    YourLvl	80	85	90	95	100	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
    PowLvl	83	88	93	98	103	108	113	118	123	128	133	138	143	148	153
    VStat	190	200	200	200	200	200	200	200	200	200	200	200	200	200	200
    MRM	+7	+8	+8	+8	+9	+9	+10	+10	+10	+11	+11	+12	+12	+13	+13
    Wind	-9	-9	-9	-9	-9	-9	-9	-9	-10	-10	-10	-10	-11	-11	-12
    Energy	-9	-9	-9	-9	-9	-9	-9	-9	-10	-10	-10	-10	-11	-11	-12
    Light	-22	-23	-23	-23	-24	-24	-24	-24	-24	-24	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25

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