Botanical Hazard (Full Version)

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RaXZerGamingZ -> Botanical Hazard (9/17/2018 14:37:32)

The poison is far too good with defensive builds, you can spam it all fight long, damage is too high for a no cost poison. It should be 3 turns instead of 4.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Botanical Hazard (9/17/2018 16:10:24)

Look at the bots’ description and confidently tell me how this would nerf it.

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: Botanical Hazard (9/18/2018 10:30:20)

less damage?

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Botanical Hazard (9/18/2018 12:14:06)

I would prefer you to read the description and tell me how replacing 4 with 3 would nerf the robot.


Poison Spores
Inflicts 50% of your Robot's damage as poison over 4 turns.

asterw100000 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (9/18/2018 14:29:49)

If you nerf for 3 turns will just deal more damage. Because it do 50% of robot damage. And i think is fine. No nerf needed. Maybe a cooldown increase.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Botanical Hazard (9/18/2018 15:12:43)

I think that so many people aren’t using this bot as it is, idk why you’d say jt needs a nerf anyhow. It’s not like it’s an auto win if they use the bot either.

melinalowks -> RE: Botanical Hazard (9/22/2018 3:32:42)

My question is why do you personally feel this bot should be nerfed? It's not OP, but anybody rarely uses it. Plus I've beaten people who use it, soo you're saying they should get a nerf because you feel like it?

Definitely not supported at all.

Mother1 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (9/22/2018 10:56:07)

That is the entire point of poison as a whole to ignore defenses which in itself is a counter to tank builds. Removing things that are counters to certain builds when said items have been beaten and aren't OP but rather because you have problems with it isn't balance but rather the opposite.

Besides poison can be removed with field medic as well as nerfed heavily thanks to the assault bot's cleanse.

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